2015 August hatch-a-long!!


I'm so lost. This is what my one chick looks like. The leg is stuck strait out behind it. I got her to take a little water feom a dropper and tryed to get her to eat some wet feed but sit isn't intureated in that. Its alert and trying to get around but cant. Its been almost two days now. Do I have to splint it or wrap it?
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My final baby hatched in the bator overnight. Looks like this 1 may have a leg issue also. Baby #2 still cant walk on its feet. Flutters around on its hocks but manages to get to food and water.
I see egg shells in the button quail cage so I think there maybe baby buttons!
It's day 21 here! I have 3 pipped and zipping! I can't wait to see what these babies will look like! I have 5 eggs that could be buff orpington crossed with a barred rock, white leghorn, buff orpington, RIR, or light brahma. My homemade incubator is really proving itself this year!
It's day 21 here! I have 3 pipped and zipping! I can't wait to see what these babies will look like! I have 5 eggs that could be buff orpington crossed with a barred rock, white leghorn, buff orpington, RIR, or light brahma. My homemade incubator is really proving itself this year!

Congratulations! It's day 21 here too! I have a barred rock and a bantam chick so far. And a few more internal pips! Woot!! Yay you on your home made bator!!!
. That's so cool. Send pics soon please and I will too. God bless.


My three pips so far! Also my cooler bator that they are hatching from! I always gets good hatch rates so fingers crossed everyone will come out!

I also have a homemade Bator. This is my first real hatch. Due in 8 days. Glad other people are having a good hatch rate. So far this batch I started with 14 but 5 weren't fertile now I have 5 in there that weren't early quitters/ blood ring. Keep us updated on your rate this time and pics please!!!!
HI, I have 5 new chicks so far! My first try at incubating and the first 5 made it out with no issues and are getting around well. Knocking into the other eggs that aren't due yet and climbing on each other. I will take a pic when I get them moved to the brooder.
Thanks so much everyone for your guidance and answering my questions. What a relief.

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