2015 August hatch-a-long!!

So I just candled and I can't see anything and the air cell takes up half of the egg (well a little less than half). Is this normal for a day 20 egg?
Loving all of the pics, congrats guys! I promise I'll share chick pics of my first 2 hatches. I've been busy, and they're growing like little weeds!

I have 2 more batches cooking right now, due to hatch on the 24th and 29th, I believe. I've also got 6 duck eggs in the incubator, but they aren't set to hatch until the first week of September.

Edited to add:
Before I forget again, here they are! It's hard to tell, but there are nearly 40 chicks all piled up in the corner!

So cute! They are so very cute!
So I just candled and I can't see anything and the air cell takes up half of the egg (well a little less than half). Is this normal for a day 20 egg?

That's what mine looked like.
None of them hatched.
Well, good news, 2 of the 3 eggs I found about day 17 that were smashed by the warring bigfoot hen conflict survived and hatched. One was stinky within a day or 2 and I caught it right away and removed. I had put scotch tape over the main 'windshield' shattering spots and carefully removed it when I started hearing excited peeps, but I probably could have left it as it was on the big end, high above the air cell border. They zip around well below that. They actually hatched a couple of days ahead of schedule, so that worked out well for me. I was just worried when I heard a day 18 or 19 chick peeping through the cracks, but he/she is strong and happy. I will slip them in under momma tonight with their clutchmates.

Congrats! I'm glad they are doing well!

I set a dozen buff orpington mix eggs well I ended up with 5 going into lockdown and well 4 are fully hatched and the last baby must have gotten mixed up in it's shell because it pipped and zipped a little and then just stopped. I don't interfere when the chicks are hatching I use natural selection(harsh I know). I'm still a happy camper my cooler bator did so well!

Congrats on the chicks!
I hope the last one hatches, but sometimes they just don't make it.
Chicken genes don't work like mammal genes. They are rarely inherited in neat 50/50 splits. Dominant genes are usually inherited in more of a 75%/25% odds. One batch of chicks is hardly conclusive. It just so happens, that this batch of chicks got the barring gene. It might not happen like this again.

So confused... According to everything im reading the genes do basically work the same... http://www.diyseattle.com/chickens/barred-gene-use-in-chickens/
well yes.... I've heard the cedar makes it very hard for the lil ones to breathe. It smells great to us... But it's hard on their systems. Even with my grown hens and rooster,I don't use it. I use just the pine chips. You might want to pick out the cedar pieces just to be safe(in the brooder). And then,I would remove what's in the other coop and replace it with the pine chips. They're really precious!
Thanks for the info...just went and got a brick of pine chips at Walmart and already switched them over. They are all doing so well I wouldn't want to risk it. Just had another one hatch in the bator and one is taking all day to hatch... beak is sticking out but nothing else yet. Hope he makes it out soon. he is still breathing as I can see him doing that... or I should say her.... hoping for a hen.
Thanks for the info...just went and got a brick of pine chips at Walmart and already switched them over.  They are all doing so well I wouldn't want to risk it.  Just had another one hatch in the bator and one is taking all day to hatch... beak is sticking out but nothing else yet.  Hope he makes it out soon.  he is still breathing as I can see him  doing that... or I should say her.... hoping for a hen.
Oh that's great!! They'll sure appreciate it!
. I had one that took all day too. It's hard to not interfere. I know.... Usually it's best,though. It hatched on its own and is doing wonderfully! I've also heard that the pip,zip and hatch is like their first real life test,if you would. And that if they cannot do it without getting really tired that they may be weak to begin with. And that assisting them can actually hinder them later on. Now,although that does make sense,I'll be the first to admit I've helped!!!! I can't help it. It's like my maternal instinct kicks in and my young need me! How can I just stand by? But like earlier posted.... The person that does not help and it's due to this very reason. I'd say,be patient,my dear! It'll happen in due time. The Lords timing is Perfect!!!
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