2015 August hatch-a-long!!

12 noonish and I have 2 pips! Number 5 and 7 on day 27. Go guinea birds!

Yay you!!!
. And beautiful Siamese in your avatar photo.
One of my keets seems to have a hurt leg or foot, he keeps his wings out and hops around while the others are all running around fine. Should I take him out as a singlet and see if he heels and reintroduce him or take 2 out so he has a companion and reintroduce them both if/when the hurt one gets better? I don't know if the hens would notice as they have about 20 keets now
One of my keets seems to have a hurt leg or foot, he keeps his wings out and hops around while the others are all running around fine. Should I take him out as a singlet and see if he heels and reintroduce him or take 2 out so he has a companion and reintroduce them both if/when the hurt one gets better? I don't know if the hens would notice as they have about 20 keets now

I would suggest taking two if you do take him out, so that he has a buddy in case the others don't fully except him back. Make sure he is getting plenty of protein and vitamins.

I hope he gets better soon.
Hey...you know,it was within a day. So the fact that your baby is alive and making progress says, to me,that he has a chance! That's awesome! And I have read that when the yolk sac is fully absorbed prior to hatch,that it can sustain them for 3 days. So if it seems as though he's absorbing it,he might not be hungry or thirsty. Yet! I'm hoping for your babe to pull through this and thrive!!! Praying continuously.
HI, I tried to do like some of the threads suggested and help ease the yolk sac back in but no luck. Just when I thought I was making progress he would chirp and push it back out. I was able to get everything back there cleaned out better and he pooped on me right away but still looks scary with that blob and it almost looks like a little bit of intestines with it. sorry to be so graphic. I have been giving him water periodically and he is chirping really loud and still making his way around. He has really long legs and feet for his size so I wonder if maybe he did some damage inside the egg with all that in there. He isn't even fluffing up at all. We can't believe he has made it this long!
I would suggest taking two if you do take him out, so that he has a buddy in case the others don't fully except him back. Make sure he is getting plenty of protein and vitamins.

I hope he gets better soon.

Thanks - I took out four. So if he passes the other isn't left alone. Hopefully these will be handled much more and be more tame than the ones I have.
Another question- his legs seem ok, he can stand up but it seems he lays a lot, sometimes hops with his wings out. He is much smaller than the others. When I cleaned the nest before vacation there was one chick piping and that was about 3 days after the rest. Is it possible he's just much younger? Or could damage of been done if he had gotten chilled while piping? Thanks all.


The second one in


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