2015 August hatch-a-long!!

So my last 3 hen eggs(possibly black Austrolorp or barred rock) were all quitters. As well as my one remaining bantam egg.
So so sad when that happens. My banty girls are great!!! And my 3 barred rocks and 7 RIR's are also thriving! I cannot believe how big they are already.
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So my last 3 hen eggs(possibly black Austrolorp or barred rock) were all quitters. As well as my one remaining bantam egg.
So so sad when that happens. My banty girls are great!!! And my 3barred rocks and 7 RIR's are also thriving! I cannot believe how big they are already.
sorry to hear about the quitters
that really sucks. Glad about the healthy chicks though. They grow like weeds
Thank you I appreciate that. Yea it does. I know though that it's a part of it. However,it doesn't seem to be any less discouraging when I come across one. Amen to that!!! They make it all worthwhile!
I definitely know what you mean. It stinks that it happens often though. And I have 4 2 week old welsummer chicks and they are just the cutest little things.
Question: We are doing our first hatch, due on or about the 29th. I like reading about all of the experiences of others doing the same thing at the same time.There is so much to read and look at on BYC, so I'm wondering if anyone has a good suggestion for after the hatch, a new thread I can look for that follows the little bitty chicks as they start to grow up.

Trying not to "count my chickens" ahead of time, but I'm so excited about the prospect of having a bunch of babies here so I want to read all I can.

By the way, hubby and I candled a couple of eggs on Sunday (Day 9) just to see that we were on track and after checking that the air sac was still in tact, we saw the little munchkins about 1/2" to an inch in length I'm guessing through the brown shells. Hard to tell. Just floatin' around chillin'

Miniature Paint Silkie egg infront of it is pipped the wrong way, egg to the left has pipped and the egg behind is rocking :)

Bantam Paint this little one is almost double the size of the mini paint :)

Question: We are doing our first hatch, due on or about the 29th. I like reading about all of the experiences of others doing the same thing at the same time.There is so much to read and look at on BYC, so I'm wondering if anyone has a good suggestion for after the hatch, a new thread I can look for that follows the little bitty chicks as they start to grow up.

Trying not to "count my chickens" ahead of time, but I'm so excited about the prospect of having a bunch of babies here so I want to read all I can.

By the way, hubby and I candled a couple of eggs on Sunday (Day 9) just to see that we were on track and after checking that the air sac was still in tact, we saw the little munchkins about 1/2" to an inch in length I'm guessing through the brown shells. Hard to tell. Just floatin' around chillin'


How many eggs do you have incubating and what kind are they?

Pip! Now we are getting more babies .. soon. Are these silkies from your own flock? Do you have photos? I love hatching the silkies, well, sort of..I do get stressed when they go into lock down. That little silkie in my avatar is one I hatched from shipping. Here she is today..still waiting for her to lay..this photo was taken a while back, she is now starting to get pink in that funny comb of hers.
I wish they were from my own flock... 6 of the eggs came from a good and very well respected Silkie breeder... his Paints to buy young birds would cost £80-£100 each the Miniatures more.. I paid £75 for the 6 eggs this hatch will be worth if just 1 of those chicks makes it :D, the mixed black/gold/paint/partridge eggs were much much cheaper £9 off ebay I'm actually quite impressed with the ebay eggs more so than the top breeders eggs :)

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