3rd Nest of the Season!

Sadly I have a runt that probably isn't going to live... Weighed him last night and he's only 125 grams, probably 1/3 to 1/2 of his siblings. Not sure what's wrong with him.

Sorry you guys are having a hard time with your late eggs and babies

Kathy, does your little guy seem to have anything wrong with him? I think Zaz had a puny baby this year that did well even tho it was small...
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Well, My silver hen is down to 2 eggs now. She started with 5 but 2 were clears so I pulled those. The remaining 3 were due to hatch Sat. or Sun., but when I went out this morning one egg was out from under her several feet away and broken.... there was yolk, and blood, I opened it the rest of the way and there was a white chick inside. Deceased of course, but obviously only days from hatching. She is setting inside the pen so it wasn't a predator, almost looks like she may have accidentally broken it herself. That leaves 2.
I'm So sorry Dylans Mom! So close, but I'll cross my fingers for your remaining two. My Lucy is still sitting on her 4 eggs
... I'm thinking they should hatch Sunday/Monday? According to my first post here (I actually had to go back and check post #1) she started sitting 8/25. So is that 28 days? The weather has been so bad, cold and rainy, but she has been steadfast. She's outside the pen, but in an ideal location- up against the house under the eaves of two intersecting roof lines. Really protected from all the rain we've had, and she's within the invisible dog fence area where the dogs can keep the predators away. Ive been worried though -as she's gone several days at a time with out getting off the nest for her daily meal. I'm assuming its because its been so cold and rainy, she couldnt risk chilling the eggs? She does eventually eat, but I dont recall these 3- day stretches before. Maybe some of the pros out there can inform me if this normal. I really dont know if any of these eggs are good, but I swore I wouldn't interfere his time. Lucy's success rate in the past, was 100% when I left her alone and 0% when I interfered. Clearly, she's the pro and I am not. Wish us luck!
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What we have done when a turkey or peahen did not want to leave the nest is to give her a big heaping spoonful of mash, (about 3/4 cup) when we fed the rest of the birds. We just plopped it down in front of her where she could reach it without getting off the eggs.
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Sorry you guys are having a hard time with your late eggs and babies :( :hugs  

Kathy, does your little guy seem to have anything wrong with him? I think Zaz had a puny baby this year that did well even tho it was small...

It seems like he has trouble breathing, sort of like the runt I lost last year.... That one had a heart defect.

I'm So sorry Dylans Mom! So close, but I'll cross my fingers for your remaining two. My Lucy is still sitting on her 4 eggs
... I'm thinking they should hatch Sunday/Monday? According to my first post here (I actually had to go back and check post #1) she started sitting 8/25. So is that 28 days? The weather has been so bad, cold and rainy, but she has been steadfast. She's outside the pen, but in an ideal location- up against the house under the eaves of two intersecting roof lines. Really protected from all the rain we've had, and she's within the invisible dog fence area where the dogs can keep the predators away. Ive been worried though -as she's gone several days at a time with out getting off the nest for her daily meal. I'm assuming its because its been so cold and rainy, she couldnt risk chilling the eggs? She does eventually eat, but I dont recall these 3- day stretches before. Maybe some of the pros out there can inform me if this normal. I really dont know if any of these eggs are good, but I swore I wouldn't interfere his time. Lucy's success rate in the past, was 100% when I left her alone and 0% when I interfered. Clearly, she's the pro and I am not. Wish us luck!

Mine started sitting 8/24, so yes your's should be due on Sun. or Mon. Fingers crossed for us both.
Fingers crossed for both of you! And I have a confession, lol, I set a bunch of old, improperly stored eggs three days ago.

Thanks KskingBee. If she was inside the pen, I wouldn't hesitate to feed bring her "breakfast in bed". Outside the pen, I hate to blow her cover and attract predators to the nest with any presence of food. I'll deliver water in hot weather. In the past I gave food on the nest, but my hens really didn't appreciate it- and then I realized what I had done.

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