5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

The cracked egg hatched!!
Edited to clarify this is the egg that I "repaired" with nail polish around day 10!
Good Job!

My first chick just popped out.

Very nice!

Well, I'm pretty devastated. That last minute temp spike killed every chick but the one who has hatched. I saw no movement so I carefully opened all the eggs and all were dead. Some had internally pipped and were perfect and would have hatched if not for that temp spike. I am so sad.

I am sorry!
The survivor is a trooper though.

I woke up to a pip!

I just can't believe it!

What fun!
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Who is pipping/hatching today?


Chickin Pickin
All Henned Up

I had 2 pip last night and both were hatched this morning dUccles and one more pipped this morning wheaten AM
Ron your hatch cam is great and the chicks are super cute the chicks are chirping up a storm. Im gonna leave it on for background noise until my own eggs start providing me some entertainment.
I love the hatch cam. If I am at work it really helps during a hatch.
You may get some variation in answers, but here I try for 95 degrees warm spot, red bulb (limits pecking at one another), and you can go ahead and add the probios/electrolytes to the water. If they are dry they are ready for the brooder.

okay thanks! it's about 90 right now, they are still drying tho, at least some of them. ill switch to a red bulb. I got my brooder lamp online and it came with a white bulb (i ordered it off a goat website when getting goat stuff so they probably didn't know :p)I had last hatch under a red bulb, used a reading lamp; I did break down and buy one that is a 250 clear bulb=

Last hatch I used a reading lamp and a red bulb; Considered the season and bought a 250 (only offered clear) bulb I'm not sure I wasted that money, although I believe I will appreciate
having it as January progresses, and the chicks get bigger. Now all seem comfortable further away near wall of brooder. Flattened out sleeping. :)
Help, please! I noticed that when a few of my eggs first pipped, the chick didn't poke a hole through the membrane, just bumped the shell out/off. The outer membrane is white, not brown like it's drying out, and humidity has been good. Can they breath through the membrane even if it's not punctured? Is this even something to worry about?
yeah I couldn't fall asleep listening lol

some brooder questions... what temp should the warm spot be? and what color light bulb? I have lots of options. also I got probiotics and electrolytes for their water, should i put it innow or let them have fresh water first? or should i offer both? I think I need to go to the brooder soon cuz they are pecking my poor Styrofoam bator
At hatch, 90 degrees, drop 5 degrees each week. Most people swear you need a red bulb; while I will not argue, I've always used standard soft whites and never had a problem; I think key is not overcrowding & maintaining sanitation and food/water supply - entertainment optional but might be a plus (I suspend the little caged bell kitty toys in the roo brooders... don't know if it stops pecking, but it seems to keep them entertained).
On supplements, I have no answer for you. I use Gro-Gel when I first put them in the brooder, and after that it's just chick starter (plain water available from the start). At about four weeks I start adding a small amount of ACV to the water.
If they're dry & fluffy, and you have no current pips, they probably should be moved. If you have pips, also refill your wells & maybe mist if you open.

editing to note that my customary brooder location is inside a greenhouse, so I need less additional heat from the bulb. (and I don't have to worry about *major* temp drops!)
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I'll join as we just filled the incubator up before the new year. 34 eggs total in their right now but we plan to fill it up to it's max (48). The babies should hatch between the 13th and the 19th. We always have our eggs hatch at around 18 days.


I hope you have a great hatch!

Here is the four I have hatched out. I have 2 more eggs that made it to lock down. I think one is a quitter and the other is a maybe I can see movement in there. These are a cross between a RIR hen and HRIR roo.

Very cute chicks!
That's nice to wake up to! I'm at 5 out - only managed to sleep through one. Another is at 'late zip' now, but as of a few minutes ago, I can't see it because it has Larry, Moe & Curly piled up on top of it. Two other pips that I know of - getting hard to tell again because of the rolling & debris. The good news is, there's rocking from the small one that almost didn't stay in for lockdown!
It is nice to wake up to chicks! Mine woke me up...I had to use earplugs....

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