5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long


Great photo..just darling!
yeah I couldn't fall asleep listening lol

some brooder questions... what temp should the warm spot be? and what color light bulb? I have lots of options. also I got probiotics and electrolytes for their water, should i put it innow or let them have fresh water first? or should i offer both? I think I need to go to the brooder soon cuz they are pecking my poor Styrofoam bator
Many people suggest a red heat lamp. Red light has long been used to reduce cannibalism and feather picking. Some are starting to use blue light because it has been reported that blue light has a calming effect on birds. It has also been shown that blue-green light stimulates growth in chickens.
If you are brooding in a small space, like a Rubbermaid tub, a heat lamp will be too hot. If you truly are able to have a cool zone, 95+ in the warmest spot is ok.
I like a hot spot and lots of cool space so they can find their comfort zone. A broody hen doesn't heat all the ambient air, just a hot spot to warm up in and off into the cold cruel world they go until they need a warmup again.
The rule of thumb of 90-95 the first week and dropping it 5 degrees a week is for the commercial industry where they have thousands of chicks and can't provide a more natural environment.
I'd definitely start them off with probiotics and electrolytes, just don't overdo it. Less is more. I also put a little honey or agave nectar in the water for energy the first day or 2.
The water should be lukewarm too.
Yes that's a good sign they're ready to eat and drink.

I just had number 9 hatch. I set at 7 pm local on the 11th (so I think that would be 8 pm where you are). My Silkies will often hatch early, the Barnyard Mixes I didn't know what to expect. I had 15 eggs go into lockdown Monday night, I always lock down day 19 instead of 18, have just had better luck with that here. Of 7 Silkie eggs, 4 have hatched; of 8 Barnyard Mixes, 5 have now hatched completely and the 1 that wrecked its yolk sac during hatch I had to euthanize, it was dying, so I still have 5 eggs in the incubator. Will soon move the chicks to the brooder that are dry, and do a quick candle of the last 5 eggs to see if any are still alive.
Wow, that seems early.
I have 38 cooking with the first 24 due in 7 hours and not a pip or a peep yet. I'm not standing around it all day though.
I'm just hoping I didn't actually COOK them at some point. Hoping, praying with toes and fingers crossed

Now y'all are getting me nervous.

okay thanks! it's about 90 right now, they are still drying tho, at least some of them. ill switch to a red bulb. I got my brooder lamp online and it came with a white bulb (i ordered it off a goat website when getting goat stuff so they probably didn't know :p)
I used to use a white light for the first week so they could eat 24/7. I've now learned it is better to give them a dark period each day from day 3, that's why I've switched to using ceramic emitters after the first couple days. They last longer and are more energy efficient since they don't produce light. Even if they do break, they don't make a mess.

Happy New Year's to all! I sill only have one chick..... and he is LOUD. LOL
If they peep a lot, they're usually either lonely or cold.

Happy New Year Everyone.. I woke up to 2 EE ,1 FBCM ,1 Japaneses ,Lots of pip still coming,, Post pics,,after I will transfer to brooder ,,, Peace My Peeps,,,
Very cool, Alaskan chickens.

At hatch, 90 degrees, drop 5 degrees each week. Most people swear you need a red bulb; while I will not argue, I've always used standard soft whites and never had a problem; I think key is not overcrowding & maintaining sanitation and food/water supply - entertainment optional but might be a plus (I suspend the little caged bell kitty toys in the roo brooders... don't know if it stops pecking, but it seems to keep them entertained).
On supplements, I have no answer for you. I use Gro-Gel when I first put them in the brooder, and after that it's just chick starter (plain water available from the start). At about four weeks I start adding a small amount of ACV to the water.
If they're dry & fluffy, and you have no current pips, they probably should be moved. If you have pips, also refill your wells & maybe mist if you open.

editing to note that my customary brooder location is inside a greenhouse, so I need less additional heat from the bulb. (and I don't have to worry about *major* temp drops!)
X2. I used to stress about min/max temps but since I usually brood in a large space I quit even thinking about a thermometer. I just provide at least one hot spot and lots of cool space.
I like the Gro-Gel too but I'm out of it now.
I'm planning on splitting them into 3 groups. One will get 22% starter crumbs and regular water, one will get starter and probiotics in the water and the third gets fermented 16% organic starter with the protein boosted to 22% with fishmeal. I'll weigh weekly. If I see group #1 isn't growing as fast, I'll get probiotics into them quickly.
That is, if enough hatch.
My customary brooder location is in an unheated building. I may have to violate my own rule for a week at least and brood them in the basement. We're getting up to 5" of snow tonight and it will be dropping below zero for a few days with another snowstorm a few days next week.
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thanks for the help guys! my brooder is at 95. I didn't realize how small it is for these chicks... it will be fine for now but I might have to set up another one lol. where did everyone get big storage totes? I got the biggest one at Wal-Mart and they are gonna out grow it soon

I use the black rubber 100 gallon water tanks from TSC. I have the smaller one for when they first hatch until they get too big. Then it's in the big one. We just make a lid with either hardware cloth or chicken wire attached to wood.
~~Ready for some pictures?

Here we go:

13 of 14 Naked Necks

9 of 19 Easter Egger

the 14 Naked Necks and 8 Naked Neck x non Naked Neck moms

the last 10 of the Easter Eggers.

Total of 41 out 62 eggs so far. Still have s few trying to hatch.

Here is the four I have hatched out. I have 2 more eggs that made it to lock down. I think one is a quitter and the other is a maybe I can see movement in there. These are a cross between a RIR hen and HRIR roo.
Oh I love the RIR's. I just hatched some last month. Great layers, and I personally love their personality. Mine have been great.
I'll join as we just filled the incubator up before the new year. 34 eggs total in their right now but we plan to fill it up to it's max (48). The babies should hatch between the 13th and the 19th. We always have our eggs hatch at around 18 days.

Hi, Maybe we can hatch together.set 42 Christmas eve........

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