5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

Hey everyone I need help!!!! This silkie egg started hatching Sunday afternoon around 7:30 and it hasn't made any progress since then I was wandering if it's ok to take the pieces that are already bumped up off to see if I can help it out I need advice please help!
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It's a forced air table top. I thought I was supposed to keep it between 99.5 and 100.5 in the wiggler. Good idea to keep track of the hatch times. I record the temps from all three thermometers every time I go in to check.
Then I would shoot for 99.5.

Hey everyone I need help!!!! This silkie egg started hatching Sunday afternoon around 7:30 and it hasn't made any progress since then I was wandering if it's ok to take the pieces that are already bumped up off to see if I can help it out I need advice please help!
Others may chime in but since it has been 2 days, my best guess is that it shrink wrapped from being out of the incubator after pipping.
I could be wrong but if it were me, I would probably intervene. Once shrink wrapped they can't move so therefor can't hatch. Sometimes they can be saved.

I opened a hatcher too many times last summer that I thought could maintain humidity in the Mojave desert and one shrink wrapped. I was able to get most of the egg shell off but it still didn't make it. It was totally my fault.
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Without removing the lid, shine the brightest light yu have (minimag, candler, etc.) onto the egg and see if you detect any movement. Watch for more than a few seconds. Chicks will rest and then start moving again if they are still trying to hatch.

If not, remove the lid and candle. If no movement the chick has probably died. If you detect movement, carefully remove the bits of broken shell and moisten the membrane with a q-tip dipped in warmed, very clean water (add a few drops of Oxine to the water if you have it) and return to the hatcher. Add warmed water while you have the lid off if necessary.

Let us know what you find.

Good luck.
No don't pour water on the hole, moisten the membrane with a q-tip dipped in warmed water after removing the bits of shell. I was suggesting adding water to the tray while you have the lid off if it seems necessary.
Silkies seem (to me at least) especially sensitive to changes in humidity. Much like shipped eggs, they need to be handled very carefully and interfered with at an absolute minimum. Once hatched, I have only lost one as a chick, it's getting them hatched that is the challenge.
You might even try a water spray bottle, turn nozzle to mist and spritz inside the incubator when you open the lid and again upon closing. Definitely don't pour water in the shell. If it is still alive that will drown it.

If it's alive you may not even see movement because after being shrink wrapped, it is unable to move. That's why it can't hatch.
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