7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Thanks! Six out of seven eggs are looking good. Those are from my birds though. It remains to be seen how the shipped eggs do..... I will leave them perfectly upright in the r-com until I see veins, then I'll think about tilting them a little back and forth...

For my serama eggs that had not so nice aircells,I set them in an egg carton in the bator and tilted them.
It worked because now all air cells are doing awesome
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Bageera decided to join us!!! We now have 2 happy ducklings
I'll get better pictures in the morning...
Bageera decided to join us!!! We now have 2 happy ducklings
I'll get better pictures in the morning...

Congratulations! I now have my first chick out of this hatch.

It looks like a buff, or will be white, can't tell yet, all wet. :) It is a SG! Could be a Paint SG!
I missed seeing this in time for the actual Hatch-A-Long, but had set my eggs Dec 8. I have 18, 6 ameraucana and 12 mixed pure breeds of Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock and Deleware, plus one from my favorite hen who lays olive eggs. :)
I love to see the chick pics on Hatch-A-Longs when the come out..I'll post mine after everyone else so I dont mess up winners, because mine will hatch before New Years. I have the fancy schmansy Rcom King Suro max 20 and this will be my first hatch in that new incubator. Can't wait to see my and everyone elses new chickees!

Cool! Just ordered one of those, should come in a couple days after Christmas

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