
I have the last remaining egg in lock down...i put my ear to the egg and heard it nibbling away at the airsack....i know, sounds weird, but I've been incubating long enough to know that its breaking through the airsack.. :D I set 12 eggs last night...and i have an Incubator coming that holds 96 eggs..
Very exciting to about the lockdowns. Wishing everyone the best!
That's good to know, thank you! Husband is encouraging me to just wait until tomorrow to remove the turner lol. Maybe I'll just remove it in the morning if I can't stand it. ;)

I think that might depend on your setup? Mine doesn't really have room for anything else to be placed in it. It's just tall enough for the fan to be out of the way of hatching chicks. (This was taken earlier in the hatch). I think I'll just need to work quickly, but carefully.

Yes, yours is different than mine. I have a styrofoam still air Little Giant Item #9200.

Well, here's the early pipper- there's something so endearing about the tiny triangles of shells that stick to their backs!
And here he is dried off with the second. Black Sex Links- cockerels, I think.
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Well, here's the early pipper- there's something so endearing about the tiny triangles of shells that stick to their backs!
Awwl, I needed that after I realized Im gonna have to euthanize my favorite pullet tonight
Baby chicks are so cute, and a reminder thats theres always new hope found in little ones!
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My humidity is now around 60-63% is that enough at lockdown? Temp has been steady 100.5. I have a bowl with a wet sponge inside and I add water through the whole on th incubator top with a straw...

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