
Make that 9 chicks hatched and 3 eggs remaining.

And now I have lots of posts to read to see what everyone else has hatched so far!

OK, I've caught up on my post reading. Congratulations to all those who have chicks hatching already. Being in the Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Timezone, it's now 8.40pm on New Years Day here.

I now have 10 chicks and the two remaining eggs have pipped!

My 3 week old barnyard mix chicks are being rehomed tomorrow but I'll be keeping at least some of the Light Sussex girls from this hatch but not the boys.

The rule in my backyard is, "If you crow, you go!"
What's the recommended timeframe to wait before giving up on my eggs? Put them in the night of the 10th. Saw 3 eggs wiggle when they went in lockdown and the next day, but nothing since.

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