
I had a chick hatch out so weird a couple days ago! Thought I'd show you guys. The incubator is an R-com, which is notorious for malpositions. The chick is a cross between a Serama and a bantam EE.

He pipped upside down and then proceeded to smash his way out of the egg. Feet and wings sticking out first then he just sort of fell out of the egg. No help was needed.

Here is the egg shell

And the chick, (the blue one).

You don't have your egg marked..I swear it looks like it had the same air sac placement as one of my silkies! All along the side.
Two hrs with no power....knocked on my sportsman door no peeping heard. Checked on my 100+ chicks on the coop and all are cuddled up in the corner. I feel I'm gonna have a mass loss tomorrow if the power doesn't come back on soon. Probably gonna loose all my 1 wk olds along with the 2 wk olds. Maybe some 3 wk olds will make it cuz they are almost all feathered....this is not good.
@eldonrgv If your power hasn't come on yet, and you have no inverters or generator....IF you have several boxes...smaller ones would be better...I'd place your chicks in the boxes for the time being like hatcheries do. I'll keep them warmer and possibly keep them from crushing the weaker chicks. I think it's what I'd do in your case for the older chicks. That's my first thought.
(I'm a cardboard box hoarder...lol)
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You don't have your egg marked..I swear it looks like it had the same air sac placement as one of my silkies!   All along the side.  

I usually only bother to mark the cells on shipped eggs that have some damage. This egg was very normal, from my birds, and the air cell was correct. I have a lot of upside down chicks with the r-com incubator. They don't usually hatch with such gusto though and often need help. If I hand turn them, it's not such a problem.
I usually only bother to mark the cells on shipped eggs that have some damage. This egg was very normal, from my birds, and the air cell was correct. I have a lot of upside down chicks with the r-com incubator. They don't usually hatch with such gusto though and often need help. If I hand turn them, it's not such a problem.

Ahh, that's interesting. I prefer hand turning. And yes, my eggs were shipped. I had a great hatch considering that fact!

Well then, that's darn cute that the chick hatched like a little Karate kid. :D
Hmm, had to look up the r-com incubator...looks like a nice bator. Pipping happening on the down side..wonder why.
I had a chick hatch out so weird a couple days ago! Thought I'd show you guys. The incubator is an R-com, which is notorious for malpositions. The chick is a cross between a Serama and a bantam EE. He pipped upside down and then proceeded to smash his way out of the egg. Feet and wings sticking out first then he just sort of fell out of the egg. No help was needed. Here is the egg shell :lau And the chick, (the blue one).
:love I so adore that chick!!!!!!
I usually only bother to mark the cells on shipped eggs that have some damage. This egg was very normal, from my birds, and the air cell was correct. I have a lot of upside down chicks with the r-com incubator. They don't usually hatch with such gusto though and often need help. If I hand turn them, it's not such a problem.
It's funny, my last 3 hatches I haven't marked a single egg. Other than marking the different breeds. I only candled once each hatch. I found that the less I handle the shipped eggs, the better they do.
With that many chicks, don't they do a pretty good job of cuddling?  I really hope your power comes back soon!   I wish you the best!!  

Why have you been losing power so often?  Storms coming through?  

I'd be making a run to Walmart for a power inverter...

  If your power hasn't come on yet, and you have no inverters or generator....IF you have several boxes...smaller ones would be better...I'd place your chicks in the boxes for the time being like hatcheries do. I'll keep them warmer and possibly keep them from crushing the weaker chicks.  I think it's what I'd do in your case for the older chicks. That's my first thought. :idunno    (I'm a cardboard box hoarder...lol)

Power came back on ar 3am, 7 hrs without power. Checked my chicks this morning in the coop and this little fellas are survivors all of them made it thru the night without heat lamp at 40 degrees temp, only 4 1wk old chicks died. Checked my sportsman with 40 eggs that were due on the 8th and several were zipped and could faintly hear peeping, going to give it another day to see if there's any delay due to the cold front bringing the bator temp to 89 two nights in a row plus the power outage.
I heated up water on the gas stove, put hot water in a 2 liter bottle
And put that in with them. This year I have $1 hand warmers & toe warmers on hand
to put them in with them in case of powe outage. Some are hotter and last longer than others.

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