
Thank you for the update. I'm hoping all is ok with your eggs. :fl
I'm sorry to hear about the 4 young chicks. :hugs   I was hoping that your older chicks would be ok.
I made a HUGE oops during the Halloween HAL.


Unfortunately the chick's turned out to be a cockerel...but he's one of the biggest cockerels of the bunch now. So, going by my mistakes, I thought you had a decent chance with your older chicks. :thumbsup

(And yes, I'm keeping him for breeding...in case anyone's curious.;) )   Just what I need...another rooster. :th

Two chicks have hatched today. One looks fine but the second one has his intestines outside. This **** cold front and last nights power outage messed up my final hatch during lockdown of 40 eggs. Gonna give them one more day and call it quits till spring. Lesson learned, next time ill add a power generator to kick in when power goes out and sportsman will go inside the house.
Just got home and checked the sportsman to check the chick with its intestines out and he died, it was obvious he wouldn't make it, but then again another dc/wpr chick hatched and looks fine plus a bunch of eggs with pips and zips!!!! Looks like ill get some chicks after all not the 40 but at least a few to start getting data of my meat birds from the start.
Two chicks have hatched today. One looks fine but the second one has his intestines outside. This **** cold front and last nights power outage messed up my final hatch during lockdown of 40 eggs. Gonna give them one more day and call it quits till spring. Lesson learned, next time ill add a power generator to kick in when power goes out and sportsman will go inside the house.
Ahhh! This thread certainly took off! I wont be able to catch up on all the reading
Any who...my eggs go into lock down in 3 days...fingers crossed
I lost one of my NN chicks today :( The other one doesn't seem to be doing so well either. They've both been less active and more resigned to stay under the heat plate, coming out to eat and drink. I raised the brooder plate last night since it seemed that the chicks needed some more space and I figured body heat would help the NNs adjust. Guess I was wrong. It's frustrating.

I'm so sorry to hear about your chick!

I hope the other one starts doing better.

A few of the babies hatched on NYD turned out to be frizzles! So happy with the hatch results this go around! Set 25, 4 were infertile, 2 pipped at the wrong end and died, lost one post hatch. In total, 18 happy, healthy chicks are eating me out of house and home. Lol!
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Very frustrated. The family who got seven of our pre-NYD chicks to start their own flock were sold a blended shavings bag by their local feed store (who knew it was specifically for brooding chicks) and 4 of their seven died from respiratory distress right after they were transitioned from paper towels to shavings.

Excessive handling is a major cause of failures.


Anyone else setting today or tomorrow for the Zodiac HAL?


Even if the shavings were a mix of cedar and pine or just hardwood and developed fungus, it wouldn't happen that fast.
from what I gather, the shavings were the only variable. The first one died soon after the change in litter, the next 3 took a few days. Edit: But, I can only go by what they are telling me. I have not seen the brooder set up personally.
Did the shavings have cedar in it?

I am thinking that the shavings did not kill them but it was likely too hot in the brooder. They pant when that happens which could be mistaken for breathing issues.
I use regular shavings in the coop and the brooder, both are vented. I was incredibly surprised to have an OEGB chick showing what I was thought were allergy signs when they went from the indoor brooder on paper towels to an enclosed (although well vented) plastic container with shavings for bedding and with drilled holes in the roof. I wasn't certain it was the shavings or the plastic container but the it caused excessive sneezing. I think having the vented lid made the difference in keeping everything closer than usual. That's the only instance I've experienced that.
Just got home and checked the sportsman to check the chick with its intestines out and he died, it was obvious he wouldn't make it, but then again another dc/wpr chick hatched and looks fine plus a bunch of eggs with pips and zips!!!! Looks like ill get some chicks after all not the 40 but at least a few to start getting data of my meat birds from the start.
I'm happy to hear things are looking better! Hopefully there'll be lots of zipping and hatching.

Ahhh! This thread certainly took off! I wont be able to catch up on all the reading
Any who...my eggs go into lock down in 3 days...fingers crossed
Fingers crossed!

A few of the babies hatched on NYD turned out to be frizzles! So happy with the hatch results this go around! Set 25, 4 were infertile, 2 pipped at the wrong end and died, lost one post hatch. In total, 18 happy, healthy chicks are eating me out of house and home. Lol!
The chicks are having tea? That's so cute!!!
I use regular shavings in the coop and the brooder, both are vented. I was incredibly surprised to have an OEGB chick showing what I was thought were allergy signs when they went from the indoor brooder on paper towels to an enclosed (although well vented) plastic container with shavings for bedding and with drilled holes in the roof. I wasn't certain it was the shavings or the plastic container but the it caused excessive sneezing. I think having the vented lid made the difference in keeping everything closer than usual. That's the only instance I've experienced that.

Here's one of the ways I brood chicks, if I have more than a handful. These are smaller versions of the 4X4 Ohio brooder.


A few of the babies hatched on NYD turned out to be frizzles! So happy with the hatch results this go around! Set 25, 4 were infertile, 2 pipped at the wrong end and died, lost one post hatch. In total, 18 happy, healthy chicks are eating me out of house and home. Lol!

What a great setting for chick photos!

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