
OK, I've caught up on my post reading. Congratulations to all those who have chicks hatching already. Being in the Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Timezone, it's now 8.40pm on New Years Day here.

I now have 10 chicks and the two remaining eggs have pipped!

My 3 week old barnyard mix chicks are being rehomed tomorrow but I'll be keeping at least some of the Light Sussex girls from this hatch but not the boys.

The rule in my backyard is, "If you crow, you go!"

It's 10.30pm on Sunday and we now have 11 chicks. The remaining egg is pipped on the side rather than at the end and I'm wondering if this is a problem???

I'm very impressed with the hatch rate. Now, as long as they don't all turn out to be roosters.
This little guy hatched early on New Years morning! Looks like a blue or splash. One more has pipped.
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My first baby from yesterday is doing great!

The one that actually pipped first is still in there and has not progressed much past a small hole. It pipped a little low and I think it's malpositioned. :( I'm praying it makes it!!! It's been almost 36 hrs since it pipped. I do see it moving and see a beak and hear an occasional chirp though!
So excited for you guys! Still nothing on my end :( not even an internal pip. They are about 19 and 1/2 days old so we'll see if tonight I have a pip or not! If not then I will candle and see what's going on. Last time I checked they still had a lot of blood vessels more than usual so I am gonna give them about a week longer and if nothing then I was unlucky!
My first baby from yesterday is doing great!

The one that actually pipped first is still in there and has not progressed much past a small hole. It pipped a little low and I think it's malpositioned. :( I'm praying it makes it!!! It's been almost 36 hrs since it pipped. I do see it moving and see a beak and hear an occasional chirp though!

Isn't this the time where you start to assist? Don't know too much about it, but I would start cracking the pip a little bigger and check how the membrane looks. I'll send you good vibes! :fl
What's the recommended timeframe to wait before giving up on my eggs? Put them in the night of the 10th. Saw 3 eggs wiggle when they went in lockdown and the next day, but nothing since.

Not sure how others might feel about this, but I candle if I suspect something might be wrong - just a very quick check for life, especially if others have hatched already. It's probably frowned upon but I have had shipped eggs quit during lockdown and I've sat and watched long after all the other eggs hatched, and I finally starting checking. If there are no pips anywhere else, and you can get the humidity regulated quickly, there's not much risk to the embryos.
Isn't this the time where you start to assist? Don't know too much about it, but I would start cracking the pip a little bigger and check how the membrane looks. I'll send you good vibes! :fl

Yes, I know a lot of people don't, but this egg is the baby of my favorite chicken who was just killed by a hawk :( I will do whatever it takes to save it. The membrane was a bit dry and brown near opening so I added some antibiotic ointment and used tweezers to remove a little more shell to start a "zip" the membrane underneath is white and good and no veining. Put it back in the bator and humidity levels and heat are good, praying the chick can finish the job!

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