
1145pm woke up by my dog to go out. Look what happened :) first pip!!!!!!!
Go chickies go...:)
Adorable! Is the one on the left an Ausssi?
No, they are both Ameraucana babies :) There's a lady here locally that is working on a BBS mottled project and all the eggs i got from her came from that pen. So I have two black ones like the left chick, the blue on the right, one blue mottled, and what looks like a dark blue/black mottled. #16 would have been a blue mottled as well. Now, I do have a speckled sussex/australorp chick but im not 100% sure which of my two black chicks it is. The other is a black sex link though since a barred rock was the mom, so I do have at least one girl out of the hatch
I think the BSL is the first chick and the australorp cross is the second, after googling chick pics lol Thanks for all the kind words!
These are ADORABLE!!!  YAY chickies - go ducks!!!

Beautiful chicks, but I saw this photo and wanted to start singing "one of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong"....  What is that little white one in the middle?

LOL I can just see the pup disappearing - I loved the photo of him RUNNING back after he finished his business.  Snow is beautiful, I love skiing down a hill, but I like living in a house that has NEVER seen snow better.  I just need to drive about 60 miles to get to the local ski resort.   I hope that the weather improves soon! 

Great photos everyone!  Good luck on the stragglers, I hope some hatch!
it is a white Ohiki chick
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Final tally for me.

21 eggs set.
4 infertile
2 didn't make it. Weren't fully developed
15 live chicks. The last one was hatching just after midnight.

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