a gentle rant about prayer

there is nothing wrong with asking for wants. the bible makes it clear that we are to ask, according to His will.

the OP is pointing out that some people give a sermon while praying, instead of praising, being thankful and giving laud and honor.
You bet I believe in asking God for His help for myself and others. Bible says to for sure. I just mean those prayers that tip a little too much toward preaching. I guess it would be those that tell God what to do, rather than asking Him to show us. I've caught myself many times doing just that.
I honestly don't know how one should pray. I pray a prayer that is between me and him. I really don't think that everyone prayers are the same, or that they all take the same precedence. I think that the truthful heartfelt prayers, whether out loud or silent, mean more than one that are just words meaning little more than "I wish" or " I hope". Of course that is my opinion and I am nowhere near worthy or able to say that my opinion is even anywhere near the truth. I guess that it is between each individual and God.
Rebecca100, I agree with you whole heartedly. Our God is so very big and wants us to talk with Him, no matter the words. Now I just feel like a gripey old woman.

my pastor used a neat analogy during service. he called and asked if he could borrow one of my hula hoops. (i make them.)

then during service he asked if anyone knew how to hula hoop. of course, i was the only person to raise a hand. he had me get up on the pulpit and hula hoop for as long as i could. (which is about an hour straight.) meanwhile, he had a man come up and 'pretend' to hula hoop, without a hoop. just going through the motions.

he asked the congregants what the difference was. we both looked like we were hooping, both moving around etc.

then someone got it and yelled out, "Rhandi has a real hoop, she's really hula hooping!"

he explained that it represented 'just going through motions and living our own way' vs. 'being inside the will of God'.

we are to not be doing things for show, but because we desire for God's will to be done.

i'm not giving a sermon or preaching to anyone, just sharing an analogy that i found interesting.
My dad is soooo, guilty. When he blesses the food, he blesses everything, and thanks for everything. Sometimes, he forgets to bless the food after all the other blesses and thanks.
Feel free to disregard this, I don't want to start a flamewar. If it offends you, please ignore!

On behalf of the 15% of humanity who don't believe in a deity, I gotta say: all prayers make me twitch. Prayer has been scientifically proven not to work (though a fascinating report from Washington DC, murder capital of the US, says otherwise about mass meditation). If people got off their knees and picked up a shovel, casserole, or paint roller instead, everyone could be helped. Seems to me that would be better than one kind of prayer over another.

Sorry to interrupt, I like to read other's points of view (like this thread) and hope that others do to. Even if one doesn't agree!

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." -- Aristotle
The thing is, it's not an either/or proposition; those of us who pray don't just pray and do nothing else, ever. A person can pray, AND take action. In fact, I'd say that most people work that way. All bases are covered. Yay!

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