A Guinea,, Rooster and the Dog


5 Years
Aug 17, 2016
OH MY,,, :) huge sudden out burst in the barn. At first I thought I would find a rattle snake on the ground from hearing the Guinea hen going off like he was, Walked in saw the Guinea and the Rooster standing there upset, but my girl was bouncing off the back wall of the barn.. Never expected it when I looked up to the Horned Owl in the rafters.. Couple of chasing it back and forth it was tired for me to reach it with a snake stick on the leg and carry it out of the Barn and let it loose on the other side of the fence line. Am Happy everyone worked together.. :) Great for my puppy ...

Thank you, so happy for my pup. She has been laying by a post out side the barn where an owl use to come and perch at night always waiting to chase it off. This was a good experience for her .. She has been such a silly pup from the start chasing dragon fly's , and jumping on walls after miller moths. sometimes you can never tell if they are gifted honing her skills... or well,, just wee bit touched special lol...
Awesome story, great photos...My ten month old Aussie Golden cross chased off two coyotes from my pasture the other day!
Good girl! Now she works for her food.
Dogs are great to protect our flocks...Sounds like the Guinea needs a treat too!

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