about how old is she?*horse*

yea, agree she looks 20+ but shes a nice arab and with how she looks now, well with tlc and food she could go many many more years for you.
No freeze brand, checked
I have ridden some fairly old arabs, one was 32, spunky!! and her buddy a 27 yr old arapaloosa!
She seems in great shape!
Just watch for arthritis, and keeping her weight up.

How about a pic from the side to show how angled the teeth are.

The older they get the harder it is to tell age from the marks on their teeth. So much so that at one point, all horses over the age of 8 were referred to as 'aged'. 'Aged' as in 'over 8', not as in 'real old'. That was the expression.

My dentist says it also depends on how they are kept. One of our horses was locked up in a barn for several years and never let out - so doc says his mouth looks, 'deceptively young'. In other words, if not grazing or otherwise not fed traditionally, that affects all the wear patterns. In that case he takes into account a lot of other factors - slant and general shape of teeth, appearance of the head, body, hair coat, etc.

Since you don't know the horse's history, it might work out best to take in all the clues, but it's still a matter of being content with an estimate.

Generally if a horse is older, the seller always shaves off a few years off the age - if he even knows it accurately. Often with unregistered, untatoo-d horses, no one really knows.
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I'll try to get a pic from the side tomorrow...

She's been out on pasture the last 7ish years, and like you said, the rest i don't know. But i do know the last owner very well and i'm confident if she did actually know she was 20+ she would say so..lol.
I've owned and ridden many horses in my day, and I'll take a well trained "aged" horse in good shape over a youngster anytime! You just can't beat that "been there done that" quality that you only get with years and miles!! And from the softness in this horse's eye, I'd say she's mellowed well with age. Have you tried her under saddle yet?
I was looking at her photo again, and I must say her legs look great for a 20 something. No broken down pasterns, slipped hocks, or thickening, from the looks of it. Yep, she could be your "best ride" for years to come! Congratulations.
Old, but cute

Once you get into that age bracket, teeth are just not that reliable an indicator of age... but then, in that age bracket, years-of-age is not that reliable an indicator of usefulness or further lifespan EITHER.

So "old but cute" and beyond that it really honestly DOES NOT MATTER.

If she's healthy, and moves sound, and is what you're looking for, then she's as good as plenty of 15 year old horses (which I'm pretty sure she's significantly older than) and better than some

Good luck, have fun,


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