Ameraucana Temperaments


12 Years
Apr 10, 2007
Foothills of Central CA
Please tell me about the temperaments of your Ameraucana ( not EE's, please). I have a few that are about a year-and -a-half old, and they are mean, aggressive, and cannibalistic. I know lots of people have them, so I'm hoping you will respond so that I can decide whether I want to try some more with different breeding, or whether I want to give up on the breed.


My three Ameraucanas are just a delight. I have two blue pullets and my black cockerel, Scout. Charlotte is laying and she is a love; likes to be picked up and loved on. Silver is a bit more skittish, but is getting better now. She even jumped in my lap the other day because Charlotte was sitting up there. None have ever been the least bit aggressive or cannibalistic. I have been very pleased with them.
Edited to add: I do believe that temperament is genetic to a degree. I had a group of aggressive, cannibalistic Delawares, contrary to their reputation, so I think it was a bad strain. Maybe it's the same with your Ameraucanas.
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Mine are shy, timid and not cannibalistic at all. They have always been on the bottom of the pecking order. I have had a couple of roosters that were very aggressive breeders, but the hens have always been rather shy.

I have two, one black, and one tan, they are both nice hens, they are more docile and do not try to attack other hens. My Isa Browns on the other hand are sometimes vicious. Try putting mentholatulm or something that tastes bad on the ones where they are getting picked on and see if when the Auraucanas get a mouthful of that they stop being nasty.
Rebecca - that's a great suggestion. The other thought I had is that as soon as I raise some more egg-layers, they may go into the stew pot!!! Unfortunately, the last batch of eggs I hatched had 5 roos and no hens - can you believe it???

Cynthia, I was thinking that, since I am getting some of your Blue Orp eggs in March, that I may have you put in some of your Ameraucana eggs, too. I was just wanting some feedback from people on their experiences with them, because I don't want to have any more vicious hens. I think it must be a bad batch, because they were hand-raised with the rest of my girls and they are the only ones who are nasty. They also come from a hatchery, so they are probably EE's and I'm sure they don't breed for temperament.

Rafter 7 - thanks for responding. How old are your hens? Mine didn't turn nasty until they were about 16 or 17 months old.

I hear that, LOL. You're on for the 16th of March for mail out, as of right now. Naturally, that's awhile away and you can't predict what the birds will do, but I hope to have another pullet or two laying soon after that date to help out with the demand.

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