Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Well Will Kitsch lives just before the green dragon where rt 222 splits with the road to Adamstown. Easy to find his home if you are going there plus you can ask Keith at the greed dragon if he has or knows where you can find some pure Ameraucanas. He was the show steward at the York Poultry show and his father runs the livestock auction.
Oh wow! good to know Shaffer! Thank you!
It wasn't necessarily that they weren't honest. Many folks simply don't know. Sadly, many folks that SHOULD know, don't know (or won't accept how it is!!!) They figure if it has "Ameraucana" somewhere in its history or if it lays a blue eggs, it's Ameraucana. But that isn't how it works.

Don't feel bad!! You now find yourself with 2 very cute chicks that will very likely lay blue/green eggs if they are girls and an excellent opportunity to learn. That's NEVER a bad thing ....
Many of us started with "Easter Eggers" sold to us as "Ameraucanas" because we didn't know better. But now you know so next time you buy, you will be more educated. I firmly believe - you don't learn nearly as much from doing things right as you do from doing things wrong! Just think how much smarter you are now because of this!!!!
too true!!!! Great advice!!!
Ok experts have a look at her now.... she is almost grown LOL She is white, very pale legs, the blue is very obvious. Her beak is not dark. I am going to breed her with the Lavender Roo I hatched from HappyMtn and see what I get. They can always go in the EE pen if they are not right.

She is the one in the middle posing for me. The others white ones are a cross not Ameraucanas. the black are splits.

You can see the spots in this pic. She only has them on the one side. One is just barely there at her shoulder then the 2 right next to each other. You can kinda see her leg color too. It is really almost blue in person. So, SPORT, White or Silver Lavender

Amy, here is your roo he is still a teenager but looking very good to me. He has a Silver look to him.... I like it too!

He has a beard and muffs, they have been picked out... they are growing back.

well i guess the man selling the auracuanas could have had crossed 2 different colors to get your chicks so they could still be Pure ameracuanas. But if the leg color is off and they don't lay blue eggs they are probly just EE which is most likly
well i guess the man selling the auracuanas could have had crossed 2 different colors to get your chicks so they could still be Pure ameracuanas. But if the leg color is off and they don't lay blue eggs they are probly just EE which is most likly

When you cross colours, if they hatch out non-standard colours, they lose their status as "pure Ameraucanas". If they don't fit the breed description, they aren't Ameraucanas, regardless of who their parents were. True Ameraucanas are ALWAYS sold with a colour label attached to them. (Black, Blue, Blue Wheaten, Brown Red, Buff, Silver, Wheaten, and White. Splash and project colours are special cases but still always come with a colour label attached.)
Ok experts have a look at her now.... she is almost grown LOL She is white, very pale legs, the blue is very obvious. Her beak is not dark. I am going to breed her with the Lavender Roo I hatched from HappyMtn and see what I get. They can always go in the EE pen if they are not right.

She is the one in the middle posing for me. The others white ones are a cross not Ameraucanas. the black are splits.

You can see the spots in this pic. She only has them on the one side. One is just barely there at her shoulder then the 2 right next to each other. You can kinda see her leg color too. It is really almost blue in person. So, SPORT, White or Silver Lavender

Recessive white sometimes have a few feather of the underlying color.She is likely a white/black/lav from what you have said about her breeding.

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