Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Brown reds do not have a wing bar. He could be a wheaten, but his color looks just a bit off.

By off, do you mean dark? He seems very dark to me. Especially compared to the yellow/blue wheaten that I could've chosen over him.

Also, is he an ameraucana? I think the breeder said his beard/muff wasn't perfect but he said he was an am.
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Dumb newbie question for Jean and those that show Ameraucanas: I am (was) hoping to show the blue cockerel I hatched (November 2011) from pips&peeps eggs at the end of September this year. He'll be just a bit beyond 10 months old at that point. However, one side of his face is clean right now because of a fight he got into a couple of months ago. Should I scrap all plans for showing him at this point until he moults or is there something I can do to encourage that muff to grow back?
Just seperate him and see if it grows back.

Generally a short feather will regrow in 6 weeks or less; if it is completely pulled out. If there are broken feathers on him, you need to pull them out so they will regrow. (try pliers) The longer feathers can take about 8 weeks.

MyT Dogs,

Your birds hackle and saddle feathers look too golden, they are supposed to be a light orange color, not blonde. Could be the picture.
I finally have the birds I need for the laced blue ameraucana project!
Here is a blue andalusian chick. yay!!

Link for discussion of laced blue ameraucana project.

Adorable!! I've read about your project and can't wait to see what happens. Hopefully the lacing will turn out to be as clear and striking in contrast as the lacing on your fingernails! ha ha

Congratulations on this cutie.

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