Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Mama, the Wheaten pullets will feather in a cream color, the roosters will feather in dark. The Whites will definatly be distinguishable from the Wheaten pullets. I will be a while until you can sex the whites. Welcome to having Ameraucana!!!
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Mama, the Wheaten pullets will feather in a cream color, the roosters will feather in dark. The Whites will definatly be distinguishable from the Wheaten pullets. I will be a while until you can sex the whites. Welcome to having Ameraucana!!!


How can I tell the difference between wheaten and blue wheaten?
I don't know the really early indicators for the pullets, but you will see the color coming in on the males pretty early on. You will have to wait for Jean, Royce, or somebody else to comment on that.
Could have been shadows. Here is another pic...closer up.

Ok now this looks totally different than the other leg shot... Photos aside, what color do you think her legs are when you look at her? This shot looks too golden/yellow to me. The other shot looked really dark gray. Hopefully Jean will come in and give us a better idea.

How can I tell the difference between wheaten and blue wheaten?
You will have to wait several weeks on the pullets to tell what color they are. But if you spread their wings like the photo on the previous page you will be able to tell if they are wheaten or blue wheaten.

On the chicks, the white chicks will have darkers legs and the wheatens will all have flesh colored legs.
Ok now this looks totally different than the other leg shot... Photos aside, what color do you think her legs are when you look at her? This shot looks too golden/yellow to me. The other shot looked really dark gray. Hopefully Jean will come in and give us a better idea.
Are the legs a blue gray color or are they green?
I hope you all don't mind if I post some photos of the peeps to get your opinions. These re the wheaten/blue wheaten peeps. I think I will be able to tell them apart from the whites (I hope, lol!!) These guys are almost a month old. I (very biased here...) think they are so pretty and they have great personalities, too.

Chick #1

Chick #2

Chick #3

Chick #4

Chick #5

I hope you all don't mind if I post some photos of the peeps to get your opinions. These re the wheaten/blue wheaten peeps. I think I will be able to tell them apart from the whites (I hope, lol!!) These guys are almost a month old. I (very biased here...) think they are so pretty and they have great personalities, too.

Chick #1

Chick #2

Chick #3

Chick #4

Chick #5

#2 looks like it might be a splash cockerel and #3 is a wheaten cockerel.

The rest appear to be pullets, but I would give them a couple more weeks before I would call it 100%.
I think Jean was hoping to see the colour of the bird's legs but the lighting/colour rendering in the photo doesn't give any kind of a realistic idea. (Colour is way off in the photo.)

Yeah...the lighting was kind of crummy. I will try to get one outside in more natural light today. They are not green. I'd call them blue-grey with a fleshy pink undertone.

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