Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Well any day now I should be getting an egg from one of these 2 ladies,



then I have another splash and black juveniles.



Here is my Blue roo he got a leg injury a few months ago and still has a bit of a limp but is a good boy



And here is my Buff he has filled out a lot more and his tail is now full and beautiful. I had him for sale but no one bought and I am now wondering if I should breed him a bit before selling him.

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Ok, I've had a hard time figuring out the difference between araucanas, americanas, and easter eggers. I believe the hatchery listed these as araucanas. Is that the same as easter egger? The posts above seem to have similar physical traits (combs, feather muffs etc) so I thought I'd bad!
No, Araucanas are very rare and no big hatcheries sell them. Araucana, Ameraucana and Easter Eggers are three different breeds. EEs are a crossbreed. Ameraucanas must have certain accepted colors, slate legs, lay blue or greenish-blue eggs, etc. You are not alone in your confusion. Do a search of the breeds here and you'll find explanations galore. Here is one webpage for you to look at that explains the difference, though.

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