Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I attended the Maryland Poultry Fanciers Club show in Frederick a couple weekends ago. It was quite educational. Some folks traveled from Tennessee, NC and PA for this show. So now that I have seen the quality of some of the birds at the show and seeing the quality of some of my birds, looks like I may start doing some shows too.

I have since entered the Virginia Poultry Breeders Association show scheduled for November 23rd. On the ameraucana side I plan to show a blue wheaten cockerel, a wheaten cockerel and pullet, and a black cockerel and pullet. I will also be showing some cream legbars. This will be my first ever attempt at showing so it will be an experience. I finished my updated NPIP testing on Saturday (I am a certified tester). The next challenge will be getting ready to clean the birds and obtaining crates for transport such that they can stay relatively clean. Any suggestions on cleaning and transport containers/crates? I guess that it may be time to join the Ameraucana Breeders Club, too.
I attended the Maryland Poultry Fanciers Club show in Frederick a couple weekends ago. It was quite educational. Some folks traveled from Tennessee, NC and PA for this show. So now that I have seen the quality of some of the birds at the show and seeing the quality of some of my birds, looks like I may start doing some shows too.

I have since entered the Virginia Poultry Breeders Association show scheduled for November 23rd. On the ameraucana side I plan to show a blue wheaten cockerel, a wheaten cockerel and pullet, and a black cockerel and pullet. I will also be showing some cream legbars. This will be my first ever attempt at showing so it will be an experience. I finished my updated NPIP testing on Saturday (I am a certified tester). The next challenge will be getting ready to clean the birds and obtaining crates for transport such that they can stay relatively clean. Any suggestions on cleaning and transport containers/crates? I guess that it may be time to join the Ameraucana Breeders Club, too.
Best of Luck to You

Was there anyone selling chicken carrying cases/boxes at the Maryland show ......... usually they are inexpensive . If you are carpenter inclined you could build a few for yourself .
Bathing and conditioning birds for show should be covered in BYC's library . I'm confident that you were there early and watched the participants preparing their birds and realize what's entailed .
Watching is the very best tool . I have even seen videos somewhere online(google ABA site and APA site) on washing and preparing birds for show . You might want to do some google searches for such .

Best To You
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This is a complete switch of subject. Can anyone post pictures of a Blue Wheaten chick at abt 4 weeks? I'd like to see the difference between cockerel and pullet colors at this age.

We have an unfortunate one that cannot be used for breeding. But every time a person gets near, it runs up for attention. If you go to pet another chick, it buts in and take the affection. If I have a little boy chick, I need to get rid of it before my kids (and I) get any more attached. If it's a hen, she can just go in with my other egg layers (not for hatching.)

The chick has feathered legs and some very curved outer toes. It was also the size of a Bantam at hatch. I bought eggs from the breeder and just ended up with the one bad one I guess.

Anyhow, if someone can help me out, I'd really appreciate it! I've followed all the old threads for this topic and usually the birds in question are older or the people quit posting pictures so there is no visual evidence.

Thank you!
I'm not sure what that is...? Can you show me a picture? The person i bought her from said she was a Ameraucana. Can you show me a picture of a Easter Egger?? Thanks!! :)

I do have other hens in her coop but her vent looks like she just layed a egg.....? the person i bought her from said she was a Ameraucana ( he told me his blue hen was her mom) he had her mom there she is a pure blue Ameraucana and the dad was black? Is there a way i can tell if she is a Ameraucana or a Eester Egger?

Any input would be great. Thanks!
I have 2 cockerels (blue and black) and 4 pullets (all blue) growing out in a pen together. They hatched together and have been together ever since.`all 4 hens got in little squabbles with each other bumping chests. They crack me. One day they are completley fine with each other the next everyone better watch out. the little fight only lasted like 2 minutes and of course all is good again. Silly chickens

My black cockerel that is blind in one eye is still doing good. He has gotten smarter. He now realizes that if he keeps his bad eye to the wall and his good eye on me it is a lot harder for me to catch him, since he can see me coming. I was kind of hoping he wouldn't be smart enough to realize, so much for that.
If your hen does not lay a blue egg she is considered a easter egger.Check the easter egger braggers thread for pictures of easter eggers.It is very rare for a true ameraucana to lay anything but blue or blue green.They are culled to the layer flock.
I was thinking that maybe Angel16's chicken (Am or EE) maybe didnt lay the egg and another did. But if you are sure that, the egg was from that hen then it is an Easter egger.

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