Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

My lavender Ameraucana cockerel. We named him George Clooney. He is about 6 months and is turning out to be a very good roo. He is really beautiful, has the most hilarious high-pitched yodel crow and is really sweet. The picture really doesn't do him justice though because I stink at taking pics. HAHA
I just got black and blue...the wait did suck but it was worth it!

Awsome! I can't stop looking at the pictures! This waiting is killing me! Thank you for posting! Thats Drool
I can't eat anymore popcorn while waiting!!
My lavender Ameraucana cockerel. We named him George Clooney. He is about 6 months and is turning out to be a very good roo. He is really beautiful, has the most hilarious high-pitched yodel crow and is really sweet. The picture really doesn't do him justice though because I stink at taking pics. HAHA
He is so beautiful! Sigh...I just can't wait to get my babies!

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