Angel wing in ducks, & how we wrap to mend it - Pictorial

That's a landing net, but Home Depot sells smaller pool skimming nets that work too.

Thanks for the help..I also have that landing fish net but when I walk out of the lanai holding one, they go running..I wouldn’t want to slam them with the metal rim if I missed..they’re very large now and the couple of ducks I need are males...I’d have to say at this point they look twice as big as the females..could someone please answer the question about directions on how to add photos here.

Omg, I think I got it..
Yes they are..he gets around very well as he constantly lifts or shrugs them alternately and keeps up with his family..he also stretches up and flaps his wings, as they all do, about 2-4 there is another one that seems to have just one slightly drooping..and there are two who have them full or bulging out at the elbow area but seems to be only noticeable when they’re facing me head on (but not angel wing)... if I’m ever able to catch him, how will I be able to keep him from struggling to get free..I guess I need to try to wrap him in a towel to restrain him and have my husband hold him in his arms or hold him down without hurting him..wonder if I’ll be able to take his wing and raise it, open it, fold under the tip at the elbow and start wrapping without dropping the wrap or harming the wing from a possible struggle..

Do you know, if this is due to blood feathers being too heavy, will the wings adjust and repair itself without taping..Without his muscles weakening..of course with all his constant shrugging at the shoulder area, he is working his muscles but not at the tip, forearm, elbow area
Hello! Just wrapped my girl tonight (saw this way of wrapping after I had wrapped her) but her wing just looked heavy a few days ago and now seems to flop out. Here are few before and after pics.
Hello! Just wrapped my girl tonight (saw this way of wrapping after I had wrapped her) but her wing just looked heavy a few days ago and now seems to flop out. All my girls are about 6.5 weeks old. Here are few before and after pics. She’s still mad at me for wrapping her so getting a good one of it wrapped isn’t easy.

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