Angel wing in ducks, & how we wrap to mend it - Pictorial

wrap seperately, and then around the body if you feel they arent staying wrapped. Feel free to post a picture, often new feather growth is mistaken as AW.
thanks celtic, btw so you have a donate button your knolledge has been invalubale to me

i will post a pic in the morning as they asleep its 11pm now

i can understand the new wings can be mistaken but having 3 ducks all the same breed and age and 2 being ok and 3rd showing the AW signs im pretty sure its AW but a very very minor case of AW

thanks will post pics of wings as they are and after wrap if it needs wrapping
Beautiful birds, no angel wing in any of those pictures. smile.png Glad I can be of help
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I need help with my muscovy duckling. She hatched June 27 via a little banty hen. She was fine till her flight feathers started to come in and they both were sticking straight out from her side!! I had no clue what was wrong and should have googled it then.So, now,weeks later I discover she should be taped but is it too late? I have read the diet is what causes this and I think being as her mom is a banty hen, she ate alot of that food and my husband gave them both the dried worms which she loved!! She is now on her cracked corn diet but still eats some of the crumble. Is there any hope for her wings if we tape them now or should I not put her through it. Thanks...
I need help with my muscovy duckling. She hatched June 27 via a little banty hen. She was fine till her flight feathers started to come in and they both were sticking straight out from her side!! I had no clue what was wrong and should have googled it then.So, now,weeks later I discover she should be taped but is it too late? I have read the diet is what causes this and I think being as her mom is a banty hen, she ate alot of that food and my husband gave them both the dried worms which she loved!! She is now on her cracked corn diet but still eats some of the crumble. Is there any hope for her wings if we tape them now or should I not put her through it. Thanks...
Usually it helps to wrap when it first starts, I have never had to deal with it so don't know if it would help or not now, the diet of cracked corn is not a suitable diet for your duck or chickens for that matter, they need a balanced diet of duck/or chicken feed appropriate for their ages. Dried worms has protein in it which if fed with a balanced diet shouldn't cause problems. My ducks ducklings and chickens get dried meal worms everyday. Hopefully someone with experience with angel wing will be along to advise you on taping now. And welcome-byc.gif
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Oh wow! We were told years ago when we first got the ducks that was what to feed them. They have been healthy and are 6 yrs old now. The Bantys is on crumble and not the corn though someone said they like the cracked corn too and was ok to feed it to. So now besides a angel wing issue you are saying we have a diet issue! I will look into that ....
Does anyone out there that has the aw issue know if we should put the duck through the wrapped wings? It doesn't hurt her just looks awkward for her and she won't be able to fly. Thanks..
Oh wow! We were told years ago when we first got the ducks that was what to feed them. They have been healthy and are 6 yrs old now. The Bantys is on crumble and not the corn though someone said they like the cracked corn too and was ok to feed it to. So now besides a angel wing issue you are saying we have a diet issue! I will look into that ....
Does anyone out there that has the aw issue know if we should put the duck through the wrapped wings? It doesn't hurt her just looks awkward for her and she won't be able to fly. Thanks..
Offering a little cracked corn isn't harmful but is not a complete diet. Here is a link to a post on angel wing, not sure if it answers your question though.
I only have 1 kind of crappy pic of Daffy (Black blue swedish) that shows the side in question taken last week.. but i am begining to think that she/he has angel wing. At first it was just wierd looking almost feather shafts that were seperated a little from the rest of the wing. now it sticks out from the wing instead of laying flat. Daffy is 8 or 9 weeks old

Its the wing furthest away the white area is kind of seperate in this pic from a week ago and now it sticks out pretty drastically to the side.
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