Another Snake!!! Yall Told Me What Now Tell Me How!!!

its just discolored but other than that its fine, and im not offended at all
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I have been training my chickens to associate snakes with food. I know the snakes enjoy eating the barn swallows as my dogs kill quite a few and I have found half digested swallows in some of them.

I am in the path of a garter snake migration route so come springtime I have hundreds of them in the yard during the peak times....this peters out around the end of june but I can still pretty much catch one anytime I want till the end of sept.

At first they didnt know what to do with them, I started off with a baby garter that got whacked with my wippersnipper(1ft long). After a few tries they realized it is pretty tasty and I had to take away the little bit that was left because the girls were getting to vicious with each other.

The second time I threw in a bigger garter(2ft) and they took it down quickly and had a hayday with it.

Eventually I will end up with the 5fters that live around my woodpile.

Please dont call me cruel, I need to teach them to defend themselves and it seems to be working. When I get chicks in the spring they are not allowed in the house(wife didnt appreciate the dust) so they will need protection from the older girls.

It is surprising how fast they learned to gang up on the snake, one going for the head, the other for the tail, almost timing thier attacks so the snake didnt stand a chance.

Extra protien too.
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