Any Home Bakers Here?


Eating it now, it tastes just as good as corned beef. Very delicious.


I made a recipe from Annabel Langlein...her Soup. It was
delicious. Unfortunately my husband does NOT enjoy any soup.
We had chicken breast (leftover) It was chicken sandwiches on homemade bread and Annabel's Soup. I did enjoy it.
It sounds good!

What kind of soup was it?
It sounds good!

What kind of soup was it?
veggie: one large onion. 3tlbs veggie or evoo. 2 cloves of garlic . sliced carrots sliced (salt pepper)
celery . 3 tlbs tomato paste . chicken broth . bay leaves . parsley.
1 can gabanzo beans. brown rice . black rice . any small pasta.
and you can add any other veggies. Of course I had leftovers
and filled mason jars with hot soup (just like canning) let them
cool. I now have 3 jars in refrigerator for my lunches. Aria

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