Any Home Bakers Here?

Well, I found something to occupy my time. Without Internet and power, I’m forced to read a book. That’s not bad, I like reading books on occasion. I found this one, and after reading the first chapter, I am laughing really hard. It’s got me hooked.

While in Covington, Virginia, we had baseboard heat throughout the house.

We had 3300 square feet that we heated with a wood stove in the basement using convection.
we heated our 2500 square feet Home with Defient Cast Iron
Stove from Vermont. FOR YEARS...we started using our Gas
Fired Furnace only 5 years ago. AND we supplemented with the
wood stove MANY TIMES. We loved the wood buring experience.
I actually baked something! Betsy Bread. DH has a nice fresh loaf of bread.
Sally,, you must have gotten my vibes from Sunday, I also baked 2 loaves of Betsy Bread, It is one of the favs among my offspring's who I send a loaf home each. I also baked a few pizzas. A Taco Pizza, and a Hawaii five O,, (meatless). Will post Play by play maybe later. My pix are not handy at this time.
Sally,,, Thank Your neighbor for that recipe when you see her. I recall she had a mishap a while ago.:( Hope she recovered well:hugs
@Aria ,, Betsy bread contains HONEY. Your HONEY addition to baked goods inspired me to use Honey often:yesss:

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