Any Home Bakers Here?

My gynecologist told me to tale magnesium whenever I was low on energy… you can try it ( I think it was about 200 mg per meal (3) but take care at first, susceptible persons can get the runs from too much magnesium

Its true, you can get the runs from Magnesium, and I speak from experience.

A while ago, I went to the doctor for severe stomach pains. It turns out that my intestinal track was, as the doctor put it, "In overdrive and backed up." He gave me a laxative, and said, "If it doesn't work, take Magnesium Citrate."

Sure enough, the laxative didn't work, so I followed instructions and took liquid Magnesium Citrate at 7:00 PM.

12 hours later, this was me:

Magnesium can give you the runs, so be careful.
I understand. I’m pregnant with #7 and lack energy in a bad way. I struggle at times to just do the daily farm chores! Thank goodness for other children that help.

Vitamin B complex has helped in the past as well as taking Vitamin D3. I started the B complex last night and will start the Vitamin D today. Praying it works. Momma needs help over here lo
Congratulations on the baby!
That vitamin combo helped me a lot when I was pregnant with my babies.
The energy game is no joke 😅
And get your hemoglobin levels checked! While I was pregnant with twins, I fell asleep on the couch at midday and woke up after 3 hrs. I ( until 2 years ago) never fell asleep during the day! I went for an appointment at a clinic for a sonogram, and they checked my blood and found out my hemoglobin level was 7 ( normal is 12-14) they shoved an iron pill at me with orange juice ( it somehow helps you process the iron better) and after a few days, my energy level began to rise again , also, I stopped getting short of breath!
Bakers good afternoon one and all!

I take Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C 500 mg., and Vitamin E 400 I.U. every morning and if I don't take it I can tell.

I take Vitamin D3 2,000 I.U. and Folate 800 mg. (this is a B vitamin) every night.

I will tell you that these over the counter medications keep me going.

It is very important that you keep an eye on your total hemoglobin.

Have a great day!
Its true, you can get the runs from Magnesium, and I speak from experience.

A while ago, I went to the doctor for severe stomach pains. It turns out that my intestinal track was, as the doctor put it, "In overdrive and backed up." He gave me a laxative, and said, "If it doesn't work, take Magnesium Citrate."

Sure enough, the laxative didn't work, so I followed instructions and took liquid Magnesium Citrate at 7:00 PM.

12 hours later, this was me:

Magnesium can give you the runs, so be careful.
One way to get just a little magnesium is ... an epsom salts foot bath! It will loosen your bowels gently but not give you the "squits!" Word of the Wise Woman! :old

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