Any Home Bakers Here?

That's some scary toast, isn't it. Sure wouldn't want that popping out of the toaster 1st thing in the morning!
Hey @happy-bird , I thought about your bad yeast problem when I saw this picture!
Lol! This made me so happy! Here is the easy, no knead bread recipe. It makes two, long loaves. I've been wanting to try using all the dough for one big loaf, but haven't had the courage to do it yet. 2 Yeast packets 1 1/2 cups warm water (110 degrees) 1 TB sugar Scant tsp. salt 2 TB oil (canola or vegetable) 4 cups all purpose flour ~In a large bowl, combine the yeast, water, and sugar. Stir until the yeast is completely dissolved. ~Add the salt and oil and stir well. ~Add flour, a cup at a time, and mix with a wooden spoon and your hands until the dough becomes elastic. Don't over-mix, there will probably be some flour left in the bowl when the dough comes together. ~Place dough in a greased, covered bowl. Punch down every 10 minutes for 50 minutes (5 punches total). ~Divide the dough in half. On a lightly floured surface, roll out one of the halves into a rectangle, about 1/4 inch thick. ~Starting at a small end, roll the dough up jelly-roll style (or cinnamon roll style). ~Place the loaf on a baking sheet, seam down, and gently tuck the ends under to look neat. ~Loosely cover with lightly sprayed plastic wrap and let rise for 30 minutes. Repeat everything with the other half of the dough. ~Bake for 20-25 minutes at 400 degrees. The bread is done when it is lightly browned on top and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom. Notes: Using 3 cups all purpose flour and 1 cup whole wheat flour works very well, you just have to add a little extra white flour until the elasticity of the dough feels correct (I've never measured the exact amount needed). It is a fun recipe to experiment with- I've wrapped hotdogs with it and tried all sorts of seasonings. Add seasoning, like salt, fresh ground pepper, cheese, or herbs just before doing the jelly-roll part. Just sprinkle whatever you like evenly on the rolled out dough. My husband and I usually eat one of the loaves with butter right after it comes out of the oven (oops!) and use the other for tuna melts. Our favorite tuna melts on this bread are so simple. I make the bread with salt, pepper, italian seasoning, parmesan and a tiny bit of garlic powder. The tuna is just mixed with salt, pepper and Hellman's mayo. I slice the bread about an inch thick, put a couple tablespoons of the tuna on top, and smother it with slices of sharp white cheddar cheese. Bake at 350 until the cheese is all melted and delicious looking. Mmmmm. It is addictive.
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@happy-bird , your bread and the tuna melts sound good. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Glad you liked the bad yeast funny!
Have any of you made egg noodles before? I was thinking I might try that to go with DH's birthday stroganoff. I've looked at a couple of recipes online, but according to some of the comments, they were "too floury".
Have any of you made egg noodles before? I was thinking I might try that to go with DH's birthday stroganoff. I've looked at a couple of recipes online, but according to some of the comments, they were "too floury".

I always make my egg noodles from scratch. They're deliciou. I've tried many different recipes and never had any issues or complaints. They might be a bit more dough-ey than store bought, something like a dumpling if used in souo, but still much tastier than store bought!
I have been making fresh pasta lately. DH bought me the pasta roller a year ago and then we moved. I just found it recently and have been trying my hand at it and so far so good.
Are egg noodles going to be similar to regular pasta, just more eggs I assume?
Hi, recently new here, been poking around the chicken forums trying to learn as much as I can before my flock arrives next month. Just stumbled upon this thread and I love cooking!! I have really been wanting to make my own bread so thank you @happy-bird for the recipe and the Tuna Melts sound delish! Will also have to give the Beef Stroganoff a try since my DH loves it as well. Looks like I will have a lot of catching up to do. I want to see what other goodies lie within this thread!

Does anyone have a good Key Lime Pie recipe? Going to a Geocaching event of Saturday to celebrate Pi Day. So.We.Bring.Pies!!
I made Carrot Cake and Schaum Tortes last night. It was DH's birthday and he took the day off. We had a fun day! But didn't get much done on the To-Do-List. He was going to buy kringles for the office but I offered to make a cake, I think it is so much nicer to take in homemade that store bought. It was over 1/2 gone by lunch time so I don't think I will get any leftovers. The Schaum Tortes are a special treat for him - it was his mothers recipe and is a nice spring treat.
I made Carrot Cake and Schaum Tortes last night. It was DH's birthday and he took the day off. We had a fun day! But didn't get much done on the To-Do-List. He was going to buy kringles for the office but I offered to make a cake, I think it is so much nicer to take in homemade that store bought. It was over 1/2 gone by lunch time so I don't think I will get any leftovers. The Schaum Tortes are a special treat for him - it was his mothers recipe and is a nice spring treat.
Have you posted the Schaum Torte recipe yet?

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