Anyone hatch out their own meat birds?

I have kept both. Hens may have a harder time throwing eggs with extra fat/heat. Males tend to over heat during late summer breeding. I keep several roosters . If you end the best one you will never know. Some may die early, some may never be interested in breeding-just eating. I have Dark Cornish roosters over Cornish Cross hens first generation. Second generation I kept back a 50/50 rooster over dark cornish hens. Back and forth.
what does "throwing eggs with extra fat/heat " mean? sorry.. do you mean since they are fat and out of shape- in the heat they cant lay well? I live in Canada, so heat isnt my concern...
We raise Buckeyes and use them for meat. Of course, they don't grow as fast as a Cornish cross. But they are thrifty and forage well in a free range setting.

One other thing, I would never consider a chicken to be too old to make a delicious meal. Old birds are packed with flavor. Never, in any supermarket, will one find a tastier chicken. But they need more time to cook. When I cook an old chicken (over a year old) I often place it in a crock pot on low, for about 6 hours. Then, just to make it more attractive for the family, as they prefer roast chicken, I carefully lift the carcass and place it in a baking pan, sprinkling with Creole seasoning. I then finish it at 350 F. in the oven, for about 40 minutes. It is amazing! Leftovers make a wonderful stew.
It really makes sense to learn to eat the birds you raise. All flocks need to be renewed from time to time. It's a shame to waste the birds. One can't get back, through selling old birds, what they cost/are really worth. It's just good use of resources. But I know how it can be hard.

I even have folk GIVE me old birds when they know that they're wasting money feeding them. They're no longer productive. Those old birds are precious to the person who knows how to prepare them. It does take time to do the butchering, etc. But I think it's really worth it.
I think it makes you more grateful. I mean this animal's life in exchange for the sense it died so you can eat and live.... I think they do taste different and I just don't mean the flavor....most kids today think food comes from the store...and so there is another break down in the value of life in our eat those birds...and give thanks!!

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