Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

Here are the chicks from Meyer:

Buff Laced Polish, which are for my daughter. She's named them Chocolate and Sugar Cookie.

Buckeyes, they are Ginger and Nutmeg.

Sumatras, they are Pepper and Anise.

Olive Eggers and an extra chick (I'm betting Australorp). One of the OE has sparse leg feathers and ear tufts. They are Rosemary, Saffron, and Caraway.

Dark Cornish, they are Cinnamon and Spice.

Cornish X, the Snickerdoodle Gang.

Now I just have to wait for my order from Ideal that should be here Thursday.
I am so sorry
coyotes keep me awake last night. I could hear them for about 2 hours. I was afraid they would get into my coop. About 6 months ago they killed are dog:( am so glad you have 6 left they usually eat them all.
I usually check on them every night when I get home, and last night I saw them running away from the tractor. In a way, we saved the last 6, they would have killed them all like you said. I'm not gonna just let it go, I"ll be hunting me some coyote soon. I think its a pack of like 4-5 coyotes...
My babies left Cleveland last night, en route to Chicago burbs. I should get them today!!!! So excited and a little nervous. My 9 year old daughter told me if this box has dead chicks in it, then I can hug her all I need. She said when she is hurt or sad that my hugs make her feel better, so it should work the other way around. Best daughter ever!!
Supposedly, I have 12+ Cream Legbars coming from Greenfire. I say supposedly, because they refuse to communicate with me. Emails go unanswered, they do not provide a phone number, and I have no idea if the chicks have shipped like they said they would or not.

I guess when they show up on my doorstep, I'll know they shipped.

You would think for the price I'm paying I would at least get a ship notice. Even the mega-hatcheries do at least that....
I have a long wait yet. I have my first ever chicks set up for delivery date of April 6. 5 RIR and 5 Barred Rocks. I'm starting out small for my first time being a chicken owner , they will be raised for eggs. The wait is killing me !!!!
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I do! In fact, they should ship out today and get here Friday! I ordered:
7 Ameraucana (EE) pullets and 1 cockerel
6 cuckoo Marans pullets
5 partridge Chentecler pullets and 1 cockerel
3 Ancona pullets

Mostly I ordered them for a colorful egg basket, but I may use the EEs and Marans to try and make some olive eggers. My husband requested the Chenteclers, we've had that breed before and he really enjoyed them. I'm hoping they throw a few packing peanuts I the box too. Mine are coming from Ideal, can't wait!
oh that sounds so exciting! The "colorful egg basket" is my side project for this year. =D My DH and I thought that would be a good selling point. ;)
Is Ideal good? I'm still kind of worried about my chicks arriving... You should post a picture when you get your babies!!! =D =D
I actually didn't know marans and EE make olive eggers =/ but that sounds like fun! =D
Good Luck!
I have a long wait yet. I have my first ever chicks set up for delivery date of April 6. 5 RIR and 5 Barred Rocks. I'm starting out small for my first time being a chicken owner , they will be raised for eggs. The wait is killing me !!!!
Actually, April is a much better date than February. I've seen all the hatcheries recommend that. =D
oh the wait would kill me too! haha and then you have to wait another 5-6 months for eggs! It'll go fast, I promise. =D
Thanks! I think I will go back for the probiotics mix too.

For bedding I thought I was supposed to use just paper towels for the first 5-7 days, then use shavings. If that is correct we have paper towels ready.

Choice of bedding in brooders/coops can be a touchy subject. Everyone has their preferences, and disagreements are often considered "fighting words" much like Coke vs. Pepsi, Microsoft vs. Apple, or Patriots vs. Seahawks.

Just about everyone, however, can agree on two things: day-old chicks need cushion and they need good traction. Providing both things helps to prevent spraddle-leg, slipped tendons, and a whole host of other maladies.

Folks differ on how they provide this. I myself use a bed of 4-6" of pine shavings with cut open feed sacks to cover the shavings (because some chicks will eat them). The feed sacks by themselves are much too slippery, so I cover them with a layer of (like you mentioned) paper towels. The towels provide traction and are easy to roll up and change when the chicks dirty them (and dirty them they will). The shavings provide cushion until they are old enough to not eat shavings, get their food from a feeder (as opposed to me having to sprinkle it on the paper towels), and be producing too much waste/mess for paper towels to handle.

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