Anyone ready to ring in the new year...and lose weight/get fit?

Everyone is doing so well!!!!

I've only dropped another lb, but I've been kinda eating a lot of bread and baked goods this week.
Couldn't control myself!
Bad me!

I'll take a lb though, but I have so far to go.

I did what some of you haven't that I have noticed, I've been taking measurements.
Now I see more happening there then anywhere else.

I have only lost 2 inches in the waste
...but I've lost 4.5 inches from my hips, and 2 inches off each thigh. Celebrate on that one! Goin' to have a cute butt again!!!
Great job on the loss of inches!

If you note the second page of the spreadsheet, you can use that for "non-weight" goals, like dropping a pantsize or losing inches or whatever.
Whoops. I'm at 137.6. A little up from last week. Within a pound though so that's fine. My hip was bad this week so I didn't do much walking or biking. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the cookies I ate.
I did not lose anything this week must be the
homemade bread ,
I only had a few slices
but every day.
could not leave it alone
its still only the 12 lbs. which I started to lose in Nov.
now Im standing still but I got tired of soup.

tomorrows another day I here I go again.
I have to lose 20lbs. by June

anyone hear about Hoodia that gives you energy.
a naturel herb , and helps wt.loss?
spoke to a DR.( friend) says it harmless. and helps..
has anyone ever tried it. or is it a nono

P.S. found the spread sheet
But I think I goofed it up.
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I'm here

I am back up to 221-which I knew I would be after the stress of this week. The ice storm, my DH driving truck in it (and getting in trouble for refusing to go when the roads were bad), then my in-laws were here last night and left a few minutes ago. I blew it this week-but I am GOING to be down 3 lbs. next Saturday!!!!
YAY!!!! That's incredible!! You gonna buy an awesome pair of hot shorts to wear once you get that cute butt right?
Or at least I'm sure your partner hopes so!

Small update on myself: No change in weight, but noticable change in mood (this matters!) and energy! I've been eating more and I even ate some cake the other day! That's, oddly, a pretty big deal for me. Small steps.
Hi! I'm actually a student of nutrition. If you can post the ingredients of this "Hoodia" I can give you a basic rundown of what it does and how it works and tell you if it's reasonable for weight loss or not.

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