Apple Cider Vinegar for Chicks?


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Yorkshire, Ohio
I will be hatching some chicks in the coming weeks. I have been giving my hens ACV in their water for quite a while. I was wondering at what age could you start giving chicks ACV. I would think you could start at an early age, but with a lesser amount than a full size chicken.

Any suggestions or expiriences would be welcomed.

The generic walmart stuff may be somewhat healthy to add to cooking but it is pasturized and filtered. Most enzymes were killed in the pasturizing process and the filtering took out the good bits.
Give it right away. I hatched 4 araucana chicks last week who all got bad pasty butt. I wish I had started with the ACV right because it helps the digestion. I've already lost one and another is on the way out.You have to use the good, organic stuff with the mother, like Braggs. It's good for people, too. A little tonic of ACV, honey and lemon.
I give it to my chicks instead of medicated feed and I think it helps kill the bad bacteria that kills them. I also take it myself (a tablespoon in a tall glass of water) and it sweetens the water a bit. Lost ten pounds within a month or so. I think it cleans your system and makes you more efficient. I swear by it.
I drink ACV in a tea every night before bed. Hot herbal tea, ACV, and honey. You can even add lemon. It is a great cleanser and helps you to sleep better. Also, it helps to calm your nerves.

I would imagine that it may help to make chickens to calm down a bit as well. Don't know for sure. Just a thought.
Def gonna try this!
1 tsp in a quart waterer works out fine.

After a day or two when they are eating their crumbles well you can give them a dish of yogurt with some crumbles sprinkled on top. You'll have to teach them different foods and the behavior you want them to exhibit - roosting, etc.

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