April 2010 Pullets- wanna wait with me?

Most of my hens are 5 1/2 months old- still nothing
I will be patient because I just don't want to support the industrialegg producers any longer
Mine were 2 days old on April 29th.

Only the RIR looks ready- squatting and her comb is big and floppy for petes sake but nothing, nothing, nothing.....
Two weeks ago I got my first egg. That same hen has given us an egg everyday since, however it also means that I had 21 free loaders....that has now come to an end...found this when I checked this morning...now I only have 20 free loaders. And I also have no clue which ones are the ones actually laying. The small one is from the one that just started laying.
Ok, I finally have pictures of my first eggs downloaded here. I lost my cable to my digital camera and was unable to find it. Yesterday I found a universal card reader thingy, so here is pictures of my first 2 eggs. The smallest was laid on September 1st (my 21st anniversary...what a great present!) and the second one we don't know when it was laid because the hen was laying behind my nest buckets and my husband didn't look back there (I was out of town). So here are all my egg pictures and the first omelet I made with them. One was a double yolker!




OMG I have crossed over to the dark side! Who knew chickens could be so much fun! Hang in there, all you BYCer's who are still waiting for your first egg! They will come!
**Update**I have 2 RIR hens laying, one lays a light brown egg, the other lays a dark brown egg. I have seen both hens, but once they are off the nest and back with the other girls I can't tell who is who. So yesterday I found some small colored zip ties at TSC. I put different colors on all my girls and wrote it down in a notebook. Now on my days off I can sit out by the coop and figure out who is laying what. I don't know why it's important for me to know, but it is! My Buff O girls still don't look like they are ready to lay (although Rudy is sure taking his job seriously
and is on somebody very regular! Hopefully soon the rest of my RIR's and the Buff O girls will join the egg laying party! Oh they were 5 months old yesterday the 19th!
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Last Wednesday, I got my first egg! I think it's the Red Stars, as 3 of the 4 RS are squatting for me. There are two that will squat when I just look at them; plus, their combs are growing and are a nice pinkish/red. The 3 EEs, 2 GLWs & 2 SLWs aren't quite ready yet, but it's kind of hard to tell. I've had all different shades of brown pullet eggs, so perhaps a few of them are laying. But, I don't really know who's laying, as I'm only getting about 1 or 2 pullet eggs a day. Today, the 2 RIR hens didn't lay, so I only had one nice deep brown pullet egg.

It's nice that the wait is over; April 19th seems like a LONG time ago that they were little chicks.

23 Weeks and some change, one of the girls, I'm assuming my alpha RIR with the most comb/wattle development delivers!

I checked in early afternoon and did not find anything so when I came home after 5 I didn't look in the nest box like I usually do. I opened the human door to greet the ladies and the alpha grabbed one of my ear buds hanging out in my breast pocket and proceeded the attempt to swallow it whole!
Nooooo! I happened to glance to the left after retrieving my ear buds and took a double take so fast it should have snapped my neck in two.

EGG!!! And in the nest box too!



Not bad for the first try! Nice and firm oval shell shell.

By the way I'm doing the happy dance, you'd think I layed the darned thing.
Magnificient egg and omelet pics everyone!! I am just so excited for all of you. "Soon Grasshopper Soon" that's the Zen Egg God calling to me.....
. I hear a lot about the girls doing egg squats for their tenders.... what does it mean when the girl climbs up your back, perches on your shoulder and cuddles your neck?
? My little gal Lolita did this last week when I was close to the ground taking pictures.
Still sitting on April 24th pullets that aren't sitting on anything but a golf ball!

There's a new development though ... 3 of the 8 have started escaping the yard every day. They leave together and since there aren't any holes UNDER the fence they must be flying over.

So ... what type of places should I be searching for a hidden nest?

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