Announcement April Fools 2020 - Exciting New Chicken Breed: Quickens

Agreed to the terms. We have 5 households here that would be delighted to take in 5 each and thereby state our desire to be the first to place an order of Quickens.

The question we all have is how much the total 25 will cost for us to split 5 ways.

  1. Make sure you have read all of the above and have the ability to properly care for new Quickens in your flock.
  2. Agree that you will limit yourself to only 5 chicks per household
  3. Determine at least 4 other BYC friends that will join with you to divide up a shipment of 25 Quicken chicks
  4. IMPORTANT: Reply to this thread stating (reserving) your spot to be the first to place an order of Quickens AND TAG THOSE FRIENDS IN YOUR POST!
These steps are necessary to reserve your spot (including your friends) in line to order a set of Quicken chicks!

If you have any questions about the process above, please let us know.

Also, please link to this post throughout all social-media. Our hope is that with increased awareness and interest, we can get even more breeders and hatcheries involved!
Are they sex-linked? What color are the eggs? How much are they & how much is shipping? Are the roosters loud? Are they available in bantam size? If so can you show them?

Ignoring all of that, OMG, I'm just already hooked, let me go set up my brooder.

Any Californians want to share an order with me-or if you're in Reno? I can take up to 5!

Edit- If your in California or within up to 5 hours away, I'll ship the Quick's to my house and drive out and deliver them!
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