April Online Egg Swap Closed Double check your entries

I got my eggs from Shellyga today. She sent 8 but one had a mishap during shipping. What are they, Shelly?

I also got a side swap from MrsMoonCat today. Thank you for the extras.

When I saw the boxes both of these came in, I was afraid I wouldn't have anything. So, although not happy, I am pleased only one broke. When I opened the box from MrsMoonCat, the inner box was smashed too. I don't know how the PO does it sometimes. My other 3 boxes are in transit someplace. The tracking information for my box from Scaredofshadows says Des Moines 4/26 Missent. Ugh.
Got my eggs today too.....4 broken badly and oozing....box wasn't even dented...not sure how the p.o. managed that.
@Jim, glad the eggs survived. Unreal they can squish the inner box too.

I received my swap from doubleatraining today, beautiful condition. Thanks for the extras. I forgot to post it last week, but I received my guineas for this swap and a side swap from our illustrious swap leader and addiction enabler mrheinz77. They were in lovely condition and are incubating now. Thank you also for the extras.
Since everyone here ships eggs I thought I would share what happened to me today. I got a call from the USPS today that my eggs were put on a fed-ex plane at the Indy airport today. I guess fed-ex contracts with the po on mail. Anyway they said the cargo hold had some kind of infestation and since my box was perishable they wanted to know if I wanted to come pick it up. I was using a box that I had gotten shipped to me that said "live embryos" and they thought it might be important to get them back. After telling him it was just chicken eggs he laughed. I don't know If thy thought I was shipping human embryos or what. After deciding I didn't want to drive the 2+ hours o the airport I gave them permission to destroy the box. Luckily the purchaser of the eggs wants a later delivery date due to a full incubator. I did ask the guy if this happens often he said this was the 1st time in 15 years he ever had such a thing happen. He did happen to say there was other perishable items on the plane like fruit and veggies.
Usually the breed or breed code is marked on the egg in pencil (although I use Sharpie quite a bit with no adverse affect). Unless you send goose, turkey, or peafowl, you send at least 6. The others at least 4. You are more than welcome to send more than that. I received a box from BHep with 32 eggs. I sent a box to a Facebook swap with 32 eggs in it (26 quail, 3 duck, and 3 chicken) to a friend. I knew she had room for them. As long as you put in 6 (4 for the others) you may include anything else and as many as you want. People have also purchased eggs to be shipped for the swap. (An idea could be to buy 12+, have some sent to you and pay extra for shipping and have the others sent to your partner. I'm not saying you should do this as I know the breeds you have and anybody will be happy to get them. It is an option for those that may not have many eggs but still want to participate. Somebody bought eggs from me and had me ship them and I have received eggs where this has been done.)

the 2x, 3x, 4x means how many times you entered. Each time you enter will get you an additional swap partner that you send eggs too and receive eggs from. So, Shellyga was 4x so she sent to 4 different people and got eggs from 4 different people.

Don't worry about the questions. Some of us need reminding and we were all new at some point (I was new last June ;) )


Facebook swap?? Do you have a link to that page?

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