Ask your chick related questions HERE! (Newbies welcome!)

Ok... new chick mom here. We have had our chicks for two weeks and I am guessing that they are about 6 weeks old. They have 95% of their feathers, almost all of the down is gone. This would be their first night out in their coop, if mom doesn't stress too much. The low for the night here in Knoxville, TN is 45. I'm worried that it will be too cold for them. There is no heat lamp in the coop. I have put them in the "condo" area that is closed and has a vent up high that I have closed 3/4 of the way. Will they be ok? I need some other chick parent opinions and advice. Thank you in advance!

Hi Huntersmommy611,

They should be fine....I would do a test first. Put a thermomenter in the coop, do it's readings for a couple days, write down the tempatures and the times (12PM-64*f, 9PM-45*f) and wean the chicks of the heat lamp in the house. I have 3-10wkers out together, but they have a heat lamp. How many chicks do you have?
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HI, I was wondering at what point it would be safe to assume that chicks that have been outside have enough grit that they can handle foods requiring grit. My dad put a couple of mealworms in our hen house this morning, and I saw the biggest one swallowing what looked like a worm. That made me nervous, as I was thinking that they haven't been outside long enough to have picked up a good amount of grit (if indeed they've picked up any). Thanks.

Hi SusanD,

After 1-2 days they should be perfectly fine. I think that they should be fine, no worries. I like to throw handfuls of greens I've weeded into brooders and everyone loves them :)

Hey!!! Im new to chickens too (and this site)! I got 6 Golden Laced Wyandotte pullets and theyre now a week old! Im so amazed with these little birds!!! So i was wondering what I could add to their brooder at this age, or even further along, to give them something to do- enrich their environment so to speak. I currently have them in a 1.5x2.3 ft plastic storage bin, 2 ft deep (which im soon going to move them to a 3x6 ft metal feed bin to be sure they have plenty of room as they grow), with a red heat lamp, 2 water cups, and a long metal chick feeder that i set in at an angle so they can jump on top and "roost" with pine shavings as bedding. Tomorrow Im replacing one of their water cups with a water nipple attached to a gatoraid bottle to get them trained on those since that is what we plan to use later in their coop. So that's what I have so far.. Theyre so smart though i want to keep them entertained! Any ideas on what I can add to my setup? Thanks everyone!!!

Hi ChickiNewbie88,

Awesome and Congrats on your new chicks!

Give them a clump of dirt from your yard, at first they'll be scared but they'll probably get to loving it! Your set up seems good. I'm a bit concerned about them roosting on their feeder, maybe you could get a branch or some wood and make a roost? Good pine shavings and good on the water nipple!

Do you have an extra small mirrror? You can put that in there and they'll admire theirselves!
Also a dust bath is in order, a plastic tub slightly bigger then them or as big as you can fit filled with loose dirt or sand works well!

Best of luck!

I had bought two babies of buff orpington when they were almost 20 - 25 days old. One male chick and one female. They both survived well in freezing winter but after they reach 2 months of age, male chick got his hairs grown and he became fat but the female got cold and loose motions. I gave her medication with the help of a vet. doctor and the loose motions stopped but she became so so weak. Her legs are very very weak as she stands up and sits again after walking 2 to 3 steps. Her feathers are also weak and sort of drying. She eats nothing but very very few grains of barley. i am worried about her. Please help

Hi Manikhawaja,

Okay, check for lice and mites. It could be Mareks, but I'm not good at this stuff.

Mix up some chick starter into a mash with water for her, add some electorlytes, sugar or ACV to her water. Make sure she stays in 70+ and warm and dry.

Best of luck!

Hi Huntersmommy611,

They should be fine....I would do a test first. Put a thermomenter in the coop, do it's readings for a couple days, write down the tempatures and the times (12PM-64*f, 9PM-45*f) and wean the chicks of the heat lamp in the house. I have 3-10wkers out together, but they have a heat lamp. How many chicks do you have?
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i have 4 - 2 barred rocks and 2 bsl. I have managed to get a hold of an extension cord for outdoor use and can now put their heat lamp in the coop for them. We are supposed to habe rain and thunderstorms tomorrow. Their coop has a sealed top woth shingles. They should be ok in there right?
i have 4 - 2 barred rocks and 2 bsl. I have managed to get a hold of an extension cord for outdoor use and can now put their heat lamp in the coop for them. We are supposed to habe rain and thunderstorms tomorrow. Their coop has a sealed top woth shingles. They should be ok in there right?

They should be fine, keep them in tonight and put 'em out tommorow if you want, add the heat lamp :)

As long as you have no open windows or places were rain should get through you should be good!

This site is a wealth of resource and help. Again i am brand new to chickens and have been all over this site. Most recently I have been on the thread for pasty butt. One of my little guys has it and she appears very weak and wobbly. I have been trying to wash her off to remove the blockage from the vent. Is there any better way to remove the blockage other than luke warm water. I have read a lot of post saying baby wipes, peroxide etc...

They are a week old and my temp in the brood box is 95 degrees near the lamp and they have a lot of room to wonder so they can regulate where they want to be to stay warm there are only 3 other chicks so ample room.

Also once I have it moist is it ok to pull it off or should I wait for the water to dissolve it away?

After it is removed there are different thoughts olive oil, Vaseline ...? Can I use any of these options without too much risk?

And finally diet. I am using the pro biotic stuff in the water and not in the food. Should I be putting it in the food? To boost digestion can I just place a small dish of plain yogurt in there? Someone mentioned sand as well?

I know there are a lot of questions here and I know that every situation is different. I just want to be sure I am giving this guy the best chance I can.

Any help or advice is appreciated....
I have a brood of chicks 5 days shy of 6 weeks. I live in San Diego,ca. They have a completed coop and Joe how to use the waterer and feeder. The temps here are in the 80s high and upper 50s low.
You can see their photo below.
Do you think they are good outside full time yet if i put their heart lamp in the coop at night?


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