August 2023 hatch-a-long

First pip. Beginning of day 20 on these shipped eggs. šŸ¤ž

I thought it looked like twins too...

If I had mine to do again...I'd have assisted sooner...

I thought abt it a few times...had I know hatching was gonna start on day 19 I would have...sigh...
Yeah, it sounds like one of the few cases where chances of surviving "natural birth" are so low it might be worth the risk to assist, even a bit early?

You couldn't have known hatching started early so it can't be helped but it might be some comfort to know that if I have twins and they make it, it will be thanks to you :hugs

This is where the broody hen was nesting. Under those cedars.


She was a very good girl and didn't struggle when I took the eggs and then her, putting them all in a straw-lined bucket.


And here she is in a rabbit cage. I placed her in and then her eggs, and she went and plopped right back down on them. Such a good girl!!!

I'll candle the eggs tomorrow and see how far along they are.
I am joining this- didn't think i would be but a good deal off hatching eggs. They come from a satin, frizzle, silkie combined pen. No idea on how good the quality is, but it was a good deal.
I got 12 of those, and then 6 are from my own silkie pen (Only two are laying, either the one that went broody or my black silkies eggs, rooster is partridge. )
The broody has 6 eggs, 2 out if the dozen, 3 are mine.
That's 18, and i also have 1 call duck egg under the hen (drake is either pekin or call duck, don't think its fertile. ) I've never hatched duck eggs so no idea if the infertility is because ducks cant be mixed. Idk how that works.
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This is where the broody hen was nesting. Under those cedars.

View attachment 3612331

She was a very good girl and didn't struggle when I took the eggs and then her, putting them all in a straw-lined bucket.

View attachment 3612343

And here she is in a rabbit cage. I placed her in and then her eggs, and she went and plopped right back down on them. Such a good girl!!!

I'll candle the eggs tomorrow and see how far along they are.
She is so cute! What a nice hen!

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