Average pounds of feed per month for 11 chickens?

Lazy gardener, what does your equation mean?

In the scratch I mix, I add extra nuts and seeds i.e BOSS, safflower (sp), roasted peanuts, and sunflower chips, wild bird seed.

EggSighted4Life, so I could of fed my chickens the FF with the worms in it?

So no heat lamp??????

Again, thank you all for your patience and help.
Definitely no heat lamp. What are the temps we are talking?

Do you know the protein level in the scratch mix you are using? Most of us presume scratch as the commercially available stuff called scratch which has a usual protein of 8%. So taken those numbers including the assumption you are feeding layer, her equation just means you would need more protein. You scratch mix might be higher than that in protein or you might not be feeding layer...
I'm a math nut as well. Numbers speak to me! Your scratch mix **sounds** like it might be high in fat?

I haven't seen a worm or larva yet that my birds won't eat. I wouldn't call worms in the FF a normal occurrence. But I have seen fruit flies trying to land in mine during a certain season. Seems like stirring everyday would prevent anything from hatching.
Can I add more eggs in incubAtor in start I add 27 eggs I want to add more is there any temperature issue or not today 2nd day to start my incubator
It's not the best practice, but might work out ok for you. Best to start all eggs the same day. But, if you put a few more in on day 2, just mark them and be sure to give them an extra 2 days to hatch.

I do mix scratch (which I mix myself) with the crumbles. About 3 parts crumbles to 1 part scratch.

I did a google search on scratch feed: 8% protein for the brand I checked. If you are mixing that at 25%, you are not giving your birds enough protein. Layer has the bare minimum amount of protein (IMO) to meet the needs of a layer. (16 x 3) + 8 / 4 = 14% You are not giving them enough protein.

Lazy gardener, what does your equation mean?

In the scratch I mix, I add extra nuts and seeds i.e BOSS, safflower (sp), roasted peanuts, and sunflower chips, wild bird seed.
My formula was based on the protein content of the brand that I found on line. Some scratch mixes are higher, others may be lower. I did not realize that your custom mix had the higher protein seeds in it! However, all of those items, while I'm sure they are tasty, are high fat. That might be problematic, or it might not be. Less of a problem in the winter, for sure, but the last thing you want on your hands is a chicken with a lot of visceral fat. That can lead to egg laying issues.
I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains .
Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not
I make my own feed I add all these grains in equal quantity (white corn,yellow corn,wheat grain,Millet grain,scratch) and these are with 10% ratio of major grains (seasame seed,flash seed,rice) and oats half ratio of major grains .
Is these ingredients are ok to feed or not
Hi, welcome to BYC!

Sounds kinda scary. You need to know the total nutrient levels including fat, protein, calcium, fiber and probably some I'm not naming. It needs to have balanced amino acids and vitamins and minerals.

And the white corn can make your yolks lighter in color, not that it effect the egg nutrition. And isn't scratch mostly corn as well?

At the very least I would add peas to the mix to up the protein level. Corn is only around 8% I think. Don't know about the other ingredients. But you need to be at not less than 16% protein for layers and 20% is a good number for those still growing. And layers need oyster shell on the side.

Is it actually cheaper than just buying bagged feed? It certainly isn't easier.

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