Average pounds of feed per month for 11 chickens?

It happens.
I knew there were 2 posters, but did not pick up the important info in OP title re: 11 birds!!!
It happens.  ;)    I knew there were 2 posters, but did not pick up the important info in OP title re:  11 birds!!!  

After you asked if they had said what the number was I went back and read my reply and the first post and was like, how the heck did I know they had eleven birds? Then I caught sight of the title again. So I read it and answered it and even I didn't know for a minute there, lol.
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My 6 red sex links and one cockerel are 30 weeks.
Started laying at 17 weeks, which is when I started them on layer.
The first 50# bag lasted them 8 weeks exactly and I'm probably 2/3 the way through my second.
They have access to it 24/7 in a no spill feeder I made that holds about 15/20# worth.

Not sure why I'm going through so little, but it is what it is.
I'm also still getting 6 big eggs a day without fail.
They do get a small amount of scratch in the morning and at night, a cups worth to share each time.
Not much free ranging at the moment because of the weather.
They are Productions about 10 months old.The weather has changed by getting a little colder. Although I do keep a heat lamp going. They are still laying really well (avg 8 eggs/day). I do mix scratch (which I mix myself) with the crumbles. About 3 parts crumbles to 1 part scratch. I do let them free range occasionally, about once a week. And they also get the scraps from the vegetables.

I tried the whole FF thing and had a bad experience with it. I fed it for a few weeks and was really excited about it. I made a batch one time and went out to check it and it had some type of worms or larvae in it which scared me. So I went back to just feeding dried food. I had really high hopes for the FF. I guess I just did not have enough experience with it.

I am just trying to learn as much as I can and what's best for my chickens. This page and everyone here has help me tremendously. Thank you all for your help and advice and keep it coming lol.
Can I add more eggs in incubAtor in start I add 27 eggs I want to add more is there any temperature issue or not today 2nd day to start my incubator
I did a google search on scratch feed: 8% protein for the brand I checked. If you are mixing that at 25%, you are not giving your birds enough protein. Layer has the bare minimum amount of protein (IMO) to meet the needs of a layer. (16 x 3) + 8 / 4 = 14% You are not giving them enough protein.
They are Productions about 10 months old.The weather has changed by getting a little colder. Although I do keep a heat lamp going. They are still laying really well (avg 8 eggs/day). I do mix scratch (which I mix myself) with the crumbles. About 3 parts crumbles to 1 part scratch. I do let them free range occasionally, about once a week. And they also get the scraps from the vegetables.

I tried the whole FF thing and had a bad experience with it. I fed it for a few weeks and was really excited about it. I made a batch one time and went out to check it and it had some type of worms or larvae in it which scared me. So I went back to just feeding dried food. I had really high hopes for the FF. I guess I just did not have enough experience with it.

I am just trying to learn as much as I can and what's best for my chickens. This page and everyone here has help me tremendously. Thank you all for your help and advice and keep it coming lol.

I agree with LG, not enough protein in your birds diet. You might not notice it now.... but if you up the protein you will notice the feathers become in better condition and your bird should have overall better health. Feathers are made of 95% protein. I don't understand why people feed srtatch when it cost the same as feed and has the nutrition of a candy bar.

As far as FF goes.... maybe try again? Your birds would have enjoyed those worms as much as the scratch if I had to guess and free protein!
I will admit that's weird and never had it happen, but your birds will eat maggots and all kinds of other stuff if they get access to it. It's my understanding that even if you only soak the food overnight without fermenting you could see less waste because the fines will stay in the mix.

And whoever has the heat lamp, get rid of it!! They don't need it and it can cause extra eating through the night as well as allowing bullies to be up causing havoc.

Best wishes!
Quote: Try not fermenting as long, put a light fabric cover over it. Ditto re: heat lamp. All good reason for not using a heat lamp, as well as the fire risk, and they simply don't need it. (I will give supplemental heat during extreme cold snaps where the weather stays below 0*F for 24/7 for days on end, but only if they are acting hypothermic: decreased activity, and decreased feed consumption when they should actually be eating more.)
I have not supplemented with heat and we've been -3° at night. My chikens were fine. The coop is draft free and dry. That's most important. The fire risk is not worth it! It only takes one kicked up piece of straw, hay, wood chip, etc. To smolder. Even dust that settles on the bulb can catch fire.
Just a quick observation but @Blosing101 you mentioned using crumbles. Is it layer feed crumbles or is it an all flock raiser crumble? I ask because that would effect intake levels too with it being different protein lvls. Since flock raiser has the higher protein some flocks will eat slightly less volume than others on a layer feed.

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