BEE SPOKEN FARM CHICKENS: Introducing my flock!


Jan 5, 2023
As of right now i have 7 older RIRs: Goldie, Zuma (aka Mother Hen), Jay Jay, Harriet, Fluffyhead, Shiloh. I started out with 10, but unfortunately, 1 died as a chick, and the nabor dogs stole the other 2. :( We got them early march, and in november Zuma went broody. She hatched a silkie and dominique mix (sorry if that is spelled wrong), and since the other eggs did not make it, we bought five more darlings. A california white: Fidget, a black sexlink: Night, an australorp: Pecker, a production red: Maple, and another RIR: Autumn. Once they were older, around may, we purchased 13 cornish x for meat birds, along with four turkeys. I wrote a book on them and i am hoping for it to come out on amazon at the end of march, so if anyone is interested... it is called Chip. The four turkey's names were Peeper, Crazy Feather, Tom, and Chip. During that we got 2 silkie roos, Black and Kohaku (Which means amber in japanese) and a female, Sunny. By september all the turkeys had died but one, Chip, so we bought two more males. Tom and Jake. We are butchering Jake. Even later, like november, we bought more meaties, and a chick i hatched went into the new meat bird coop. Then we butchered all but three meat birds and a rooster, Sweetpea, who was the hatcher. The 3 meaties would become breeders. Then we bought a 6 month old RIR roo boy, whom we named Sammy Hagar LOL. Now Chip laid fertile eggs, and 3 are hatching tomorrow, and 8 will hatch in 16 days. I made a hatch a long for them!
TIA for reading! I would love any responses or stories!
Thx. Lonestar keeps trying to mate with my feet, and he dances to them! It is hilarious, but i try not to let him do that. We also just got 9 new additions. Full grown laying hens. Storm is a lavender orp, Pheonix is a mix who lays green eggs, Deliliah is a silkie australorp mix, there are 5 rirs, Darling, Lucy, Thunderbolt, Redhead and Vermont, lol. (sShe looks just like Maple, and Maple syrup comes from Vermont. Heehee!) Then there is my favs, Fancy, who is a silver laced Wyandotte and gorgeous. They belonged to my cousins, who didn't hold them a lot, and chased them all the time, so they are very skittish. I have been having them come close for treats, and holding them if they let me get close enough. If you have any ideas on how to tame them, would love to hear!
None of the 8 made it, but 2 hens went broody! The first was Pecker, and hers should hatch next tuesday. 3 silkie, 2 rirs, 1 turkey, and 2 of her own; pecker is a australorp. Then next we are kinda concerned about because it is Blackhawk, who abandoned her chicks. We are just going to have her incubate them, and if she leaves them we have other chicks that they can stay with.
We are waiting on the chicks, hopefully Pecker's should hatch this Tuesday! We also have 4 more chicks from the incubator coming on Sunday.
4 incubator chicks did hatch, along with 2 silkies, 2 rirs under miracle mama, and the turkey did not make it. You might be wondering why i called Pecker Miracle Mama, so here is the reason. We had the incubator babies in a brooder in the chicky coop, and mama's babies with her in the breeder's nesting box. Well, our rooster who is 10 pounds (over, actually) decided one night while we were away to steal Miracle Mama's nest. Somehow she got her chicks down the 3 feet jump, and kept them warm and alive for several hours. Some chicken! Today we also hatched 2 turkeys out of an incubator, and once we cure one's straddle leg we will see if she will take them too. If she does we are lucky to have her.

Happy Late St. Patrick's Day!!
The two turkeys we dubbed Ada and Jack, Jack because my sister insisted, and Ada because there is a person with crippled feet and she taught herself to walk with no crutchesw or anything, named Ada. Turkey Ada cured herself of the straddle leg with no help, so it totally fit. Pecker would not take them though, and when Blackhawk hatched chicks about two weeks ago, she wouldn't take them either, so they are stuck in my room. Lonestar is getting big, and Mother Hen, the sick one, is now apparently his girlfriend. He dances to her all the time, trying to mate once. That will be awkward when he is huge and she is still tiny. Blackhawk kept her first three babies, bbut for some reason killed her others. It was sad, though we managed to save two, a silkie, who we haven't named cause we may be selling her and her brother, an ee mix. We have only named one of the babies Blackhawk decided to keep, and it is Dotsy. (sis named her) She is a rir and silkie mix, and the other two are rirs, pure. The other day also hatched 8 pure rirs for selling, and put them in with the turkeys, who they guessed was their mother. The turkeys are kind of mad.

PS, if you want some of the rirs, look us up on facebook, bee spoken farm!

PPS, Happy Easter!!
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