Belgian Cuckoo Malines - Next Generation

Surely some distinct differences between old and new line features. White barring on old line pullets looks brighter and crisper in contrast. New line cockerels appear to have better leg feathering? Overall, I think they are both winners and will mix well with each other. We will surely see after you mate them! :)
Surely some distinct differences between old and new line features. White barring on old line pullets looks brighter and crisper in contrast. New line cockerels appear to have better leg feathering? Overall, I think they are both winners and will mix well with each other. We will surely see after you mate them! :)

Yes, I've observed the same things. This is just a small number of new line birds though. I wonder how others with the new line are making out? I think there's a good balance of traits between the 2 lines & the genetic diversity is certainly needed! I can't wait to see what next spring brings! :D

Here's a pic of my only other new line cockerel. Yep, feathering just isn't as crisp as the old line. Will watch the boys as they mature.
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So glad you like them. I feel the same way. :) Bert is looking particularly handsome. Nice for him to have his own wee harem. ;)

I need to post some more pics here, myself. I'm getting spread thin between all the social media & stuck using my iPhone for pics. :/
Oh hes the best. So calm and polite to his girls. Im hoping to try and hatch a couple of his and berthas eggs just to see but im going to have to wait till my cochin gets older and goes broody. I was able to give away three of the cockerals so hes got much less pressure on him now and no more crowing competitions lol
I knew he'd be the right rooster for someone. I'm glad you have him & will put him to good use. ;)
The chicks are 10 1/2 weeks old now.

Here's a pair of old line pullets. One has pale feet so I'm guessing her beak will fade with more time.

A new line pullet.

New line cockerel. Had a chance to quickly handle him last night. Hefty fellow. :)

Old line cockerel. The lightest coloured one I have.
Sorry to say, but I'll be taking an extended leave from social media to take care of some family health issues. My parents are ill in another province & our teen son has been battling a painful condition for almost a year with no formal diagnosis. I wish all the best to everyone with their Malines & hope they bring you as much happiness, as they've brought me. :)

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