Best Chicken Names..List yours!

Fuzzy (My brothers doing)-black Silkie
Osa (Osaka)-Black Showgirl
Pipa-Partridge Showgirl
Dutches-Blue Orpington
Cena (Centipede-my gradmas doing)-OE
Yun-Cuckoo Orp
Oakly-Slash laced red Wyandotte
Here are some of my favorites so far in my crew (I have a ton of names, so I only list a few...)

-Liesl- geriatric LF black Cochin (she's at least 8!)
-Swantja- geriatric LF splash Cochin (she's 12! Seriously!)
-Jim- Crevecoeur (My foundation dad-named for the Jim Croce song "Don't Mess With Jim" for his penchant for trying to attack small children-he thinks he's tough, but he's really not...)
-Flora- Crevecoeur (My mom-named for Ms. France 2014 Flora Coquerel)
-Pygar- Splash Cochin
I have liberty Legbar
Rhonda the Rhode Island Red
Niko Light Sussex
Penny, Egg and Morwenna Cornish game
Mrs Yolkie..not sure what breed
Pearl and Cyril the cockerel!
Our first flock, 4 Buff Orpingtons. The Golden Girls. Blanche, Rose, Dorothy and Sophia. I know it's probably not original at all, but it still makes us giggle every time we call their names.
I would prefer to not name my chickens any more but my DD loves them and wants names. Some we've used:

There was Right and Lefty - two identical sexlinks with rings on opposite legs
Lacey - silver laced wynedotte
Snowball - all white ee
Cornball - he got that name as a chick

Back row: Brownie (short for Miss Brown Chicken, she's an EE)
Front row, left to right: Lucy (SL Wyandotte), Batman (Barred Rock, she's a girl, but DS insisted...), Stampy Longbeak (Buff Orpington)
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One of our first chickens was sold to us as a female, but "she" was not. She turned out to be a rooster. One of our children wanted to name her Mimi and the other wanted to name her Odet. A compromise was made and we ended up with a rooster with not one, but two girl names. This was Mimi-Odet. He is no longer with us (thank goodness! He was the meanest pet I've ever had!) but he was a good looking chicken. He was also sold as an EE but I'm almost positive he was a SLW

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