best hatchery for salmon faverolles?

I got mine from Ideal as well. Two of my girls have really dark chests and one has a light, almost peach colored chest. One of the two boys has NO fluff on his cheeks or neck! I love the poofy faces on the others!
We have been working for quite some time, to improve the color of our Salmon Faverolles. This year our stock is looking great and back on track. Please, don't hesitate to consider us! We would be happy to work with you.
Are the pictures on your website the chickens from your stock?
For anyone interested do not order a salmon favorolle from Mpc you will be extremely disappointed I ordered what was supposed to be a male but turned out to be a extremely ugly hen,she has a sweet personality but looks nothing like it's supposed too,but I will say they did refund me for the mistake but I was very disappointed over the quality.
Meyer has a reputation for producing not only badly colored hens, but also ones with deformities and mental issues. I personally would not recommend ordering the breed from a hatchery, because it is an admitedly high maintenance one to breed (the genetics are difficult to maintain).

With this breed, I would stick to BYC members. Cloverleaf has EXCELLENT birds, and I can personally attest that she is a seriously nice lady as well. I personally got my birds from a breeder in Texas, but would go to Cloverleaf the next time I need more Favs.

Here's the hens I got:

Very much worth getting purebreds when it comes to Favs. They can be gorgeous if the genes are good.
For anyone interested do not order a salmon favorolle from Mpc you will be extremely disappointed I ordered what was supposed to be a male but turned out to be a extremely ugly hen,she has a sweet personality but looks nothing like it's supposed too,but I will say they did refund me for the mistake but I was very disappointed over the quality.
What does "Mpc" stand for?
I've seen very good reviews about them and I ordered 15 chicks from them to come May 21, 2013 for the first time, so I hope they're good! One more thing: I would order to a hatchery pretty close to you in warm weather to hopefully decrease DOAs.

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