Best way to kill cats? *Yeah I think the cats could have done it*

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Quote: yes, that's correct. They make a huge mess in there with their tunnels and raising families in it. The wire screening would have to be hardware cloth or some 1/4-1/2" opening or it would do no good since these are tiny mice. So, all the insulation (about 34' x 10', mostly running under the floors of master bedroom and kitchen) must again be replaced, then something done to keep them from getting in there all over again. I guess it would cost less to build a solid door with built up frame/threshhold than to buy that much hardware cloth. Sigh. It's more work. Like we need more of that, right?

Guess we should get back to our subject. Sorry for the hijack, guys. I hope your cat issue, or whatever is getting your ducks, is resolved soon.
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This is an entertaining look into the minds of TNR folks:
I sat through a similar "talk" a few years ago. Like he said, they don't let logic and facts get in the way of anything related to saving the precious kitties. They just don't see any problem at all letting a non-native invasive species roam freely while feeding entirely on native wildlife and endangered species. Idiots...
I didn't read all of this, but I would not put out poison - it stays in the ecosystem for some time, which would mean your flock might eventually eat it too, or eat an animal which has ingested it. Also, wildlife would undoubtedly eat it too, and that's just not right (mice, then the hawks,owls/etc who eat them). Poison is an awful way to die. Of course being killed by a dog is not a fun way to die either, but at least it's nature taking care of nature, and there is no lingering poison about.
There are a few issues at hand here. In my opinion, it doesn't matter of the cats are feral, strays, or the neighbor's beloved pets. If I knew for sure that they were coming onto my property and killing my birds, they would be eliminated. I free range my chickens and I realize there is risk of losing some because of it. Because I'm willing to take that risk, I don't feel that I have the right to complain when something kills my chickens. That being said, it doesn't mean that I would just sit by and watch a predator kill my birds because I decided to free range them. I would still eliminate the predator. I keep my chickens locked up in their coops at night. It's my responsibility to make sure they're safe - especially when they're most vulnerable. OP - you are doing the right thing by keeping your birds cooped up until you find a solution to your problem. If you're sure it's the cats, I hope you can get rid of them soon. I am a cat lover - I have a housecat and a couple of barn cats. If any of them were killing someone else's chickens, I would expect the chicken owners to protect their flock by whatever means are necessary. I would understand.

ETA - I would discourage the use of poison. I also believe that a quick, never-knew-what-hit-'em is the best method. I also realize that's not always an option....
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Time I departed I think .. this could go on for days, even months and I am sure we will never all agree which is OK, because we are all entitled to our opinions and our beliefs. While I definitely do think there are times when creatures-behaving-badly should probably be humanely put to sleep ...I am sad that we have become a selfish society which believes it has the right to kill anything that gets in the way of what we want or doesn't fit in with our plans
I know we are only talking about chickens here. But, let a flock of sheep get run to death because someone's pet wanted to play. Or some cattle run to death or run through some fence. We're not talking a few dollars or even a few hundred. We're talking thousands and thousands of dollars of damage and untold time and expense to replace what has been destroyed because someone didn't want to do what is right and take care of their pets responsibly. While the animals doing the damage may not be doing so maliciously, the damage is still done. Then perhaps you might understand why some of us have zero tolerance for any animal that runs livestock or worse yet kills livestock. The dollar amounts may be less for chickens but the damage and the principles are the same. Unlike most pets, our livestock is a source of income, food, and an investment.
yes, that's correct. They make a huge mess in there with their tunnels and raising families in it. The wire screening would have to be hardware cloth or some 1/4-1/2" opening or it would do no good since these are tiny mice. So, all the insulation (about 34' x 10', mostly running under the floors of master bedroom and kitchen) must again be replaced, then something done to keep them from getting in there all over again. I guess it would cost less to build a solid door with built up frame/threshhold than to buy that much hardware cloth. Sigh. It's more work. Like we need more of that, right?

Guess we should get back to our subject. Sorry for the hijack, guys. I hope your cat issue, or whatever is getting your ducks, is resolved soon.

Strange as this may seem, I was laying in bed waking up slowly, it is Saturday and thought of your plight. That perhaps metal Flashing would work. It's much cheaper than hardware cloth.

Also how hard it would be for Tom because of his back. He has my sympathy. I've had to crawl into our two spaces and Lord how it made my knees hurt.
Time I departed I think .. this could go on for days, even months and I am sure we will never all agree which is OK, because we are all entitled to our opinions and our beliefs. While I definitely do think there are times when creatures-behaving-badly should probably be humanely put to sleep ...I am sad that we have become a selfish society which believes it has the right to kill anything that gets in the way of what we want or doesn't fit in with our plans

Sorry but you have no idea of how far we have come. I was recently commenting on how when families were poor the authorities came in and took the kids away and put them in orphanages. Now we help families stay together.

We have more charities than ever before. Food pantries and used clothing collection boxes in nearly every church I drive by here.

We spend more per child to educate the poor as well as the rich.

We have more shelters than ever before and more kind hearted people working to save, re-home and prevent cats and dogs from coming into this world. I myself have benefited from the CNY Cat coalition in having a Skinny Pete neutered when I could not afford it. People giving their own time and money to spay and neuter any stray they can catch. Catching and adopting feral kittens. Some providing foster homes.

More blacks and whites are living side by side than when I was a kid.

The coyote and the wolf are being or considered removed from the endangered list because their numbers have come back from near extinction. Bald Eagles are more commonly seen than ever before.

It is not a society that believes it has the right to kill anything that gets in it's way, it's the FEW in society that believes it has the right to let their animals two and four legged go where ever they choose. Even destroying others people property.

I'm much to old to buy the propaganda that humans are destroying the world. My property has a dump in the back where garbage was tossed and I can never clean up. It was built in 1959. Yet today we have many folks like those on this site who are environmentally conscious , recycling and reusing. More laws promoting recycling too.

I for one sell my eggs and donate the money to the India School our church supports. The school has rescued more children since we've become family. I give eggs to co workers who I know don't make a heck of a lot. I volunteer at my kids old school and everyone who works in that kitchen is a volunteer as well. What are you doing to make this world a better place? (this is a rhetorical question).

Many years ago , I was a homeless young man with out a job. I ate a meal at the Rescue Mission. That one meal changed my life. I will be forever grateful to those who paid for it and cooked it for me.

On assumptions: “If you look for the bad in people expecting to find it, you surely will.” - A. Lincoln
I'm sure I've said to much, but life is not all doom and gloom.

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