Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Day Old Chicks


5 Years
Dec 23, 2014
Hello - We just received our shipment of chicks! We ordered Red Stars, Buff Orphingtons, & Red Laced Blue Wyandottes. Here are some pis. Most of the wyandottes look the same. One is much more buff and blue without the dark spots. Does anyone know if that is an indication of mostly blue laced red and 1 slash?


Had to upgrade the brooder this morning and took some updated photos of the girls.
They are doing great. Fingers crossed that we have all females. I have been spending too much time over the past couple days looking for a couple ducklings LOL… I would love to raise some ducks with these chicks.
That's good. How old are they now?
Ducklings are so cute! I can't decide if I'll want to keep ducks or not this year.....they're more work so I think I'm sticking with chicks.
But they are cute....
They are a 2 1/2 weeks now. I have them mixed with a couple other breeds. Araconas (? not sure if thats how you spell it), red stars, blue cochin, a mystery bird… They are all growing so quickly.

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