Do you like Boxers!? Do you own one!?

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Someone once asked me if he was a boxer. Not a boxer mix, just boxer. 🤣

I've never been attacked by one, and I have owned one before, but I still don't like them. I'll just come out and say I'm scared of them. Alot of people though when I tell them that think what you said. They either think I've had a traumatic experience with them or I just need to get used to them. Which ends with the same result: them thinking they're gonna "get me used to them and make me love them". I don't have a problem with them if they lay there nicely or walk calmly by me. But even that's a stretch for me. I wouldn't have a problem if it was my own dog, but you never know what other people's dogs may do. So that's a bit of where I come from with it.

So you're afraid of stranger's dogs? That's not overly unreasonable. I personally disagree with the idea that you don't know what (even a stranger's dog) can do, but I will not try to debate you on it. What I stated above were my observations. I should mention that I've never met people that had sole responsibility of a dog and ended up not liking dogs. I have met a few people who had family dogs and didn't love the experience

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